February 07, 2006

Basic Instinct 2: Porn Explosion

Basic Instinct 2: Risk AddictionIf you listen to the rumours floating around the net, some x-rated pirated footage has been leaked on the internet from the new Basic instinct 2: Risk Addiction. Sure enough, when you see the footage it's basically 2 minutes of explicit soft core porn filled with nudity, sex, lesbians, threesomes... you name it. (As a side note... HOLY CRAP does Sharon Stone ever look amazing fora 48 year old woman!!! Good grief, she's a freak of nature).

But anyone who believes this is "pirated leaked footage" probably also believes that guys don't deep down want to have sex with their felmale friends. This "footage" was obviously put together by people at the studio and "leaked" intentionally, just made rough enough to make some naive people believe it was actually pirated footage. It was designed to be "leaked" and generate buzz for the project and show all the pathetic little perv boys out there (like myself) that there's lots o' sex and nudity and hot chicks making out with each other in their movie. All just to get our attention on their movie that no one was really paying attention to.

Guess what... it worked.

You can see the "leaked" footage from Basic Instinct 2: Risk Addiction over here (found via)

Posted by John Campea at February 7, 2006 10:20 AM


yep, it worked allright :)

Posted by: igl at February 7, 2006 11:31 AM

I thought it looked really bad. But Im glad to see someone make a big budget, 'mainstream' movie with explicit sex. If it doesn't do well at the box office no doubt the unrated directors cut will clean up on dvd. I think they shoot a movie nowadays figuring that anyhow, they know there'll be a theatrical and a dvd version.

Posted by: Jonesy at February 7, 2006 01:32 PM

So long as there were no Komodo dragons present, Sharon Stone would not have to make Basic Instinct 2 ...in order for most guys, including myself, to want to have sex with her.

Posted by: darren seeley at February 8, 2006 01:24 PM

Was that a movie or a porno? No way can they have that much sex in an R-rated flick.

Posted by: Kristina at February 8, 2006 01:44 PM

this looks like the trailer I saw at movie-list.com yesterday.
here's the link to it:

They both use practically the same footage.

Posted by: info at February 8, 2006 02:07 PM