February 23, 2006

Art School Confidential Trailer

Art School ConfidentialOk, get ready for a comedy that I think will rival or even beat Talladega Nights. The new John Malkovich film called "Art School Confidential" looks just freaking hilarious, and the trailer has now hit the web.

Some of the faces you'll recognize in the Art School Confidential trailer are Sophia Myles (Tristan & Isolde, Underworld), Jim Broadbent (Moulin Rouge, Vanity Fair) and Joel Moore (Dodgeball, Grandma's Boy).

I've got to admit, about 15 seconds into the Art School Confidential trailer I thought it looked like crap... and then I started laughing my fool ass off the whole rest of the way. As a side note... if John Malkovich ever NOT totally brilliant?

An untalented young man believes that art school will provide success and the girl of his dreams, only to get embroiled in a murder that makes him a celebrity for his artistry.
You can see the Art School Confidential trailer by going here. Get ready to laugh a lot.

Posted by John Campea at February 23, 2006 01:12 PM


If it's anything like 'Ghost World', then it's sure to be a complete riot

Posted by: Ralph at February 23, 2006 01:41 PM

Malkovich Malkovich, Malkovich Malkovich. Malkovich, Malkovich Malkovich Malkovich Malkovich. Malkovich Malkovich, Malkovich Malkovich. Malkovich Malkovich Malkovich Malkovich. Malkovich Malkovich, Malkovich, Malkovich, Malkovich Malkovich Malkovich.

Posted by: Brad Shipston at February 23, 2006 02:28 PM