February 02, 2006

Around The Web - February 2nd 2006

Here are some of the other stories floating around the web today:

- Jenna Fisher joins cast of "Blades of Glory" This is that comedy staring Will Ferrell and Jon Heder as disgraced skaters who team up for pairs. Looks like it could be good.

- Memoirs of a Geisha banned in China Man, this mess just isn't going away. My position still hasn't changed... they're just ACTORS playing roles. This is a movie.. .not a political arena. The Human race continues to disapoint me.

- Grind ready to go into production The Weinstein Co.'s experimental grindhouse pic in which directors Quentin Tarantino and Robert Rodriguez are each set to helm a 60-minute horror tale

- Munich gets big opening in Israel

- Tons of Scanner Darkly Pitures Meh, I get less and less excited about this film every day

- Universal picks up script for 'Hard Sell: The Evolution of a Viagra Salesman' Ok, I'm already interested

- Paramount Closes Acquisition Of DreamWorks SKG

- Taiwan waits anxiously for Ang Lee to win Oscar

Posted by John Campea at February 2, 2006 10:30 AM


Jenna Fischer is an amazing person. I'm happy for her.

Posted by: Billy Holiday at February 2, 2006 12:33 PM

Man the Chinese need to chill out.

Posted by: Alfredo at February 2, 2006 02:21 PM