February 20, 2006

Around The Web - February 20 2006

Here are some of the other news bits floating around the web today:

- Godfather actor Richard Bright dies The man was hit by a bus in New York City. How does that happen?

- Steven Seagal to Reign at Orpheus Parade Funny, I've never pictured Seagal as the grand marshal of a New Orleans parade.

- Full sized new Scanner Darkly Poster I'm not excited about this film in the least... but this is a cool poster

- New Aston Martin DBS car for James Bond OOOoooo... cool car.

- The 2006 Baftas results Who cares

- Kate Moss to play lesbian in new Ang Lee film Oh Ang, you crazy nut you

Posted by John Campea at February 20, 2006 11:36 AM


Hey stop pissing over our chips.
After the Naomi's the Bafta's are our most important awards !

Posted by: Webbie at February 20, 2006 02:13 PM

how arrogant john. who cares about the baftas? i'd say they've got more integrity than the oscars could dream of. although afer hearing that thandie newton won the best supporting actress, and seeing her accepance performance, i may have to retract that statement :(

and i noticed that star wars wasnt even nominated for Achievement In Special Visual Effects either... maybe industry awards are
against non-guild members. who would've thunk it?

Posted by: Psych at February 21, 2006 06:39 PM