February 01, 2006

Around The Web - February 1st 2006

Here is some of the other movie news floating around the web today:

- Marilyn Manson making a movie Will someone just please put this guy to sleep

- More Internet Movie Pirating Convictions

- Steve Martin talks about The Pink Panther I thought this would really suck... but the more I see the more it looks like it could actually be pretty damn good.

- Kiefer Sutherland Talks 24 Movie Do it as a 2 hour real time feature and I think you've got a winner.

- Ridley Scott's "Penetration" No, it's not a porno

- George Harris joins Harry Potter 5 as Kingsley Shacklebolt Once again... don't be fooled by the character's name... it's not a porno.

Posted by John Campea at February 1, 2006 06:38 AM


Uh, George Harrison is dead. Not funny guys.

Posted by: Billy Holiday at February 1, 2006 02:41 PM

George Harris, mate...not Harrison...


Thats the lad above...pretty amazing career...wonder if he will take up the same persona as his Morty in Layer Cake...

...I've got a mental image of Ron asking him for money and a pot of boiling tea...

Posted by: Spazmo at February 1, 2006 08:00 PM

I'd like to see a 24 prequel based on the events of Operation Nightfall. Though it'd probably be hard to do that in real time.

Posted by: Magnus9 at February 2, 2006 12:30 AM