February 17, 2006

Around The Web - February 17th, 2006

Here are some of the other stories floating around the web today:

- Former Disney Studio Head on Pixar and Disney Merger It's interesting... he says Pixar now runs the show.

- Official Basic Instinct 2 site Launched

- Man Charged With Pirating Oscar Screener Of Walk The Line

- Halle Berry had to write "I will not make 'Catwoman II'" on a chalkboard four times Thursday in order to earn her pudding pot as Harvard's Hasty Pudding woman of the year. Man, she just keeps on being a really good sport about that.

- Goerge Lucas Honored At The White House Damn right!

- Eddie Murphy Does Starship Dave You'd think that after Pluto Nash Murphy would have given up on the Sci-Fi comedies. Then again, you'd also think he'd given up on transexual hookers.

Posted by John Campea at February 17, 2006 11:39 AM


Actually, it would be nice that the NASA named a spaceship with a Star Wars name. They paid the homage to Star Trek with the Enterprise shuttle.

Why not a Tantive ship? Or a Millenium Falcon satellite? It would be nice :P

Posted by: Peter at February 18, 2006 01:52 PM

Peter, you just gave me a wonderful idea! I got a better name for a space shuttle culled from Star Wars if they really wanna pay homage to George Lucas. Ready?


Ahhhhhh...I want to be on board that Skywalker. ;-)

Posted by: Simone at February 18, 2006 03:42 PM