February 27, 2006

Arnold Schwarzenegger Still King Conan?

It looks like the reports of Arnold Schwarzenegger's demise as Conan may have been greatly exagerated. Hollywood North is reporting that the big man is still very much in the mix for King Conan should Arnold lose or not run for Govenor again (it looks like he wouldn't stand a chance at re-election at this point).

"...Jeff Robinov (President of Warner Bros. Films) is definitely hoping that Arnold loses the race for a 2nd term as governor," says the site, "so he can make his place back into feature films with King Conan".

The story would revolve around an older, wiser, more diplomatic 'King' Conan, who secretly craves the adventures of his youth and trains his son to follow in his footsteps. "If Arnold loses the next term, Warner Bros wants the new Conan epic shooting on a gruelling gorilla schedule, around the clock, starting March 2007 for a December 2007 release date."

Let's face it, Arnold isn't at all the physical presence that he used to be, and I don't think any of us could buy him jumping around in a leather loin cloth with sword in hand killing baddies. BUT... if this story is true and we see Conan in a more elder sage role... then I think this could be wonderful news.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go put towls down on my floor before Doug and Darren arrive for The Audio Edition... because Doug is going to wet himself when he sees this news.

Posted by John Campea at February 27, 2006 10:50 AM


please this sounds like rocky 5. there are so many great conan stories to tell and its a shame they are put on hold because ahnoold is still in office. -give me the rock as conan and let ahnoold taste the wine of post governator bliss with light hearted romantic comedies involving grandparents. and rip darrin mcgavin. :(

Posted by: bond, james bond at February 27, 2006 11:43 AM

i wouldn't mind seeing arnold in another barbarian movie, especially if he was king, but i would like to see his black dragons. that would kick ass, and have the rock play his son.


Posted by: YouknowhowIknowyourgay.net at February 27, 2006 01:56 PM

Arnold MUST be in the new movie, after all he IS Conan. I like the idea of an elder Conan teaching his apprentice. A nice way to end the series (for Arnold at least) would be if conan died in the end and his son takes the mantle. With todays effects this movie could be HUGE if done right. And one more thing, the music HAS to be done by none other than Basil Poledouris! I don't want this to become another Scorpion King.

Posted by: Sami at February 28, 2006 07:58 AM

if this movie ever happens then heres a perfect movie script for 20th century fox to own. now that sylvester doing rocky 6 and if arnold gets back into movies we could bring two very known action stars into one big buget film? Its a trend these days to bring famous charactors together for exaple A.v.P also jason & freddy people like to see things like that. THE title of this film will be called Contra a game based movie very very populur these days.back on the old nentendeo the game Contra featured two men that look like arnold {blue soilder with cigar} and sylvester {red soilder with head band} now got a idea of what I'm saying a perfect scenario to bring these guys together finally. Yes we know there aged so give them vests that cover there bodies but armes need to be as jacked a ever. Two old soilders that have seen alot of action on there last war trying to survive TRUST the'll buy the old soilder thing. Director of this anticepaded film will have to be James Camron witch is Dying to do an action movie but can't think of a concept this is it James please read this.So you heard it here first the movie contra needs to be made with staring roles of Arnold & sylvester with a good Diretor to make this game to movie not suck I smell globel success.$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

Posted by: Omar Silvera at March 3, 2006 03:36 PM