February 04, 2006

Anti-American Turkish Film

I never knew there was so much anti-American feeling in Turkey, I had thought that they were quite strong allies with the War on Iraq and were against the slaughter of the Kurds. However I was wrong, and a movie from Turkey called Valley of the Wolves Iraq shows just how much.

According to Kung Fu Cult Cinema, it's extremely hard hitting and very non American friendly.

In the most expensive Turkish movie ever made, American soldiers in Iraq crash a wedding and pump a little boy full of lead in front of his mother.

They kill dozens of innocent people with random machine gun fire, shoot the groom in the head, and drag those left alive to Abu Ghraib prison where a Jewish doctor cuts out their organs, which he sells to rich people in New York, London and Tel Aviv.

Valley of the Wolves Iraq, set to open in Turkey on Friday, feeds off the increasingly negative feelings many Turks harbor toward their longtime NATO allies: Americans.

Wow, that is tough. It stars Billy Zane and Gary Busey, whom I suspect will be in for a lot of flack back home over this movie, if it is as harsh as they claim. Check out the official movie site where you can see TV Spots and a Trailer...if you can get them to download, tell us about them...I couldn't!

Posted by at February 4, 2006 03:52 AM


I watched the movie Valley of the Wolves Iraq today and I must confess although it is Anti-American it is by no means totally out of touch with reality. We all know that the American soldateska in Iraq kills civilians randomly, fights for oil and big business, and committs uncountable many attrocities the "Abu Ghraib" style on a daily basis. This film just highlights the know facts and makes clear that this war is between Abdul from Mossul and Joe from Montana. While Abdul is fighting to determine his own destiny in his own country Joe is fighting to prevent exactly that from happen.

Posted by: Ahmet Cakici at February 4, 2006 07:22 PM

i watched it today. It was great movie , and it's not anti american movie ,it's anti-war. and american media is not showing what happens in iraq. they have big bosses, you should this movie.

Posted by: aliye at February 6, 2006 05:56 PM

So even if the majority of people from outside of Turkey haven't wathced the movie yet, based on some silly comment they feel no trouble of posting stuff.
Now for those people who just love to hate I got something to say:

It is a STORY for crying out loud. NOT REALITY.
AND take this: our government wants to export democracy elswhere BUT NOT with the FIRST ARTICLE. What happened to Freedom of Expression??? Its not even expression it is a movie. Take apocalypse of Marlon Brando where there are some corrupt GI's in Vietnam. Its ok as long as a good American kills the corrupt dudes. But when another guy kill em than its anti-whatever.

The director was quoted saying its about being anti-hollywood than anti-american. So hollywood fed the world with cr*p like "one tough masculine man, saving the nation against the evil 'other'"
This is just a reverse tide of it.

LET NOT FORGET the bad guys in the movie are CORRUPT people. Not 'all' Americans are depicted as bad. In fact some of the GI's are pretty decent people. So its not Anti-American in the sense that small farm town Americans are depcited as 'evil'.
Bad seeds are everywhere and this movie is about bad seeds.

Its OK for our Rambo's and Chuck Norris' killing people from other cultures, with a stupid racist plotline, YET when other people do it it is 'inciting hatred'. GROW UP PEOPLE!

Grow up and watch entertainment before you comment.

Posted by: latinamericanism at February 7, 2006 03:14 AM

The thing is that this movie is not available in pakistan as a matter of fact the dictators here do not want to develop anti-american sentiment. So without watching I cannot say anything about it. I heard about this movie on a private TV channel and so wanted to watch it but 1 month and still no use I cannot get it from any where. :(

Posted by: Waqas Ahmad at March 15, 2006 02:43 AM