February 04, 2006

16 Blocks Trailer

16Blocks.jpgI know I've posted this before, but now it's available in a few other nice formats and I've finally been able to see it. I like it when a concept of a movie sounds so poor and then a trailer turns your head around and makes you think there's more to this than meets the eye. 16 Blocks over at Apple.

Let's sidestep Willis for a moment and concentrate on Donner, Def and Morse. There's not much that needs said about Donner, and he's a big reason for going to see this movie. Def, well his HitchHikers performance was good in a bad film, but even in the trailer you can see some great intensity and arrogance...this could be good role for him. Morse, now there's a name I remember from way back in St Elsewhere, man I loved that show, but look at the guy now. I think it was The Green Mile and The Negotiator that turned me around to him, and here he looks to be giving more of the same.

Then there's Willis, looking like he could be giving another Hostage performance but with a shed load more of tired and weary cop. Sure he's done this lot's before, but is it bad? I don't think so, I haven't really tired of his performances.

I hope I don't have to apologise by saying that although this looks like standard fare in the footage department, some of the performances might lift it higher, and well...I'm looking forward to it.

Posted by at February 4, 2006 04:14 AM