Archive List for February 2006

February 28, 2006

Red Flag! Not Showing Films To Critics

There has been a growing trend with the studios recently to NOT show advanced copies of their films to critics. According to Craig's Flix Picks, 7 films were withheld from...  Read the full story.

Posted by John Campea at 09:53 AM | Comments (18)

D-War Trailer

D-War is a film that I've been following with much anticipation for the last year or so. I was surprised to find out that a much cleaner version of the...  Read the full story.

Posted by John Campea at 09:39 AM | Comments (5)

New Star Trek Movie Is Dead Jim

There has been a bunch of speculation and rumour floating around about the possibility of a new Star Trek film being in the works. Yeah well... you can put those...  Read the full story.

Posted by John Campea at 09:31 AM | Comments (8)

Ratner Wants To Stay True To Singer

There has been more bad news than good coming out of X-Men 3 land, but this interview with director Brett Ratner is at least a little encouraging. In an interview...  Read the full story.

Posted by John Campea at 09:18 AM | Comments (1)

Desperate Travolta Writing His Own Romantic Comedy

The tale of John Travolta is both an inspiring one... and a sad one. The man's career was DEAD for more than 10 years... and then suddenly he burst back...  Read the full story.

Posted by John Campea at 09:11 AM

Silent Hill Poster

The good folks over at Latino Review have put up the official 1 sheet for the upcoming latest video game-to-movie adaptation "Silent Hill". To see a larger version of the...  Read the full story.

Posted by John Campea at 08:59 AM | Comments (7)

February 27, 2006

Arnold Schwarzenegger Still King Conan?

It looks like the reports of Arnold Schwarzenegger's demise as Conan may have been greatly exagerated. Hollywood North is reporting that the big man is still very much in the...  Read the full story.

Posted by John Campea at 10:50 AM | Comments (4)

Vince Vaughn is Fred Clause

Ok, this sounds hillarious.... even if not totally original. Looks like the Wedding Crashers team of director David Dobkin and Vince Vuaghn are teaming up again, this time in a...  Read the full story.

Posted by John Campea at 10:39 AM | Comments (1)

Spawn 2

I really hated the first Spawn movie. It's not that it was the worst film in the world (but it was pretty damn bad), but my displeasure was compounded by...  Read the full story.

Posted by John Campea at 10:25 AM | Comments (10)

Sopranos' Movie

The hit TV show "The Soproans" is coming to an end... but the creator of the show isn't ruling out a big screen 1 shot movie at some point in...  Read the full story.

Posted by John Campea at 10:11 AM | Comments (2)

Womens Group Protest Over Shortage Of Female Directors

Here's an interesting story that I'm really not sure how I feel about. The good folks over at M&C; give us this:An underground global movement called the 'Guerrilla Girls' has...  Read the full story.

Posted by John Campea at 10:01 AM | Comments (5)

Ang Lee on Shang-Chi

More Marvel comic characters are coming out way, and this one looks REALLY interesting. It has been confirmed that director Ang Lee (Brokeback Mountain, The Hulk) has signed on to...  Read the full story.

Posted by John Campea at 09:46 AM | Comments (1)

Da Vinci Code Court Battle May Delay Release Date

I know a lot of people (including me) are looking forward to May 19th, the release date of The Da Vinci Code. However, it looks like there could be a...  Read the full story.

Posted by John Campea at 09:38 AM

Stay Alive Trailer

The Stay Alive trailer has hit the web... and all I can say is "Whhoopdy-Fricken-Do". Don't let the title fool you... this isn't a sequel to John Travolta's "Staying Alive"....  Read the full story.

Posted by John Campea at 09:30 AM | Comments (3)

Richard Has Left The Building

As some of you may have noticed, Richard Brunton is no longer with The Movie Blog. Richard is a terrific writer and top notch guy who we wish all the...  Read the full story.

Posted by John Campea at 09:20 AM | Comments (16)

Stick It Trailer

The new Stick It trailer has hit the web... and the best thing I can say about it is that I'll give anything with Jeff Bridges in it a chance....  Read the full story.

Posted by John Campea at 09:08 AM

Around The Web - February 27th 2006

Here are some of the other movie related stories making their way around the web today: - Some cool Silent Hill Images Although I just can't seem to get excited...  Read the full story.

Posted by John Campea at 08:56 AM

February 24, 2006

What's More Important... The Talent or The Look?

Doug and I had a debate on the last installment of The Audio Edition about what was more important in casting an actor for a role... the talent or the...  Read the full story.

Posted by John Campea at 02:50 PM | Comments (27)

Cruise to Star in Western Remake

Tom Cruise is reported to be attached to a up coming western project titled 3:10 to Yuma, which is a remake of the 1957 version staring Glenn Ford. To me...  Read the full story.

Posted by Brad Shipston at 11:11 AM | Comments (9)

Spider-Man Back In Black

No, that's not a black and white picture you're looking at. It's Spider-Man in a black costume, and man I think it looks sweet. Also, don't think that this is...  Read the full story.

Posted by John Campea at 12:06 AM | Comments (40)

February 23, 2006

Audio Edition - February 23rd 2006

Today on The Audio Edition Doug and I discuss the beautiful Anne Hathaway and her castingin the new Judd Apatow film "Knocked Up", the upcoming Howard Stern Film Festival, the...  Read the full story.

Posted by John Campea at 06:33 PM | Comments (10)

Anne Hathaway Get's Knocked Up

Director Judd Apatow (The 40 Year Old Virgin) has his next goal in his sights. Knocking up Anne Hathaway! Well... not literally. You see Apatow is naming his new film...  Read the full story.

Posted by John Campea at 04:27 PM | Comments (3)

Howard Stern Film Festival

I guess it was really only a matter of time, but the "King of all Media" (a title that I am trying to wrestle away from him) Howard Stern is...  Read the full story.

Posted by John Campea at 04:10 PM | Comments (1)

Art School Confidential Trailer

Ok, get ready for a comedy that I think will rival or even beat Talladega Nights. The new John Malkovich film called "Art School Confidential" looks just freaking hilarious, and...  Read the full story.

Posted by John Campea at 01:12 PM | Comments (2)

The Real Dirt On Farmer John

Staying on the documentary vein, The Real Dirt On Farmer John looks just hilarious! It appears to be a documentary about this farmer whose family has been working this particular...  Read the full story.

Posted by John Campea at 12:58 PM

Ask The Dust Trailer

You know, I'm one of the few people I know (male anyway) who actually really likes Colin Farrell as an actor. No, he doesn't always pick the best movies to...  Read the full story.

Posted by John Campea at 12:48 PM

Jessica Biel Joins Next Cast

I want to see more Jessica Biel please. Looks like I will according to Cinematical. Biel has joined the cast of Next, a film about a man who can see...  Read the full story.

Posted by Brad Shipston at 12:32 PM | Comments (2)

Unknown White Male Trailer

I've been getting more and more into documentaries as of late, and this one has really captured me. The films is called Unknown White Male, and from the little I...  Read the full story.

Posted by John Campea at 12:31 PM | Comments (1)

Damon Wayans Trademarking "Nigga" for Clothing Company Venture

Via Wired News, actor Damon Wayns has been fighting with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office's for 14-months in attempts to trademark the word "Nigga" for a clothing company.Wayans wants...  Read the full story.

Posted by Brad Shipston at 09:58 AM | Comments (14)

February 22, 2006

Movie Blog TV Launches

Hey there folks... John here. As most of you know, I've been playing with ways to incorporate more video into The Movie Blog. However, there have been a few porblems....  Read the full story.

Posted by John Campea at 01:43 PM | Comments (8)

Flixster: An Online Movie Community

Ahhh the wonderful world of the Internet. I love it so. I have stated before that I did my Masters thesis in Social Computing, which is pretty much Web 2.0...  Read the full story.

Posted by Brad Shipston at 12:39 PM | Comments (6)

Angry Bond Fans Threaten to Boycott Film

File this one under one of the stupidest things I have ever heard in my life (well, maybe that's an exaggeration... but you get my point). A group of people...  Read the full story.

Posted by John Campea at 10:29 AM | Comments (18)

Larry The Cable Guy: Health Inspector Trailer

You know... there are some things that can be funny in this world... that just shouldn't be turned into a movie. I just had the displeasure of seeing the "Larry...  Read the full story.

Posted by John Campea at 10:10 AM | Comments (4)

Illusion Trailer

Kirk Douglas is a god among men, and the new Illusion trailer shows the man still has it. This is a beautiful trailer with a pretty original idea and apparently...  Read the full story.

Posted by John Campea at 09:54 AM

The Wild Trailer

Walt Disney's new "The Wild" trailer has hit the web, and all I seem to be able to think to myself is "hmmmm... now where has I seen this before?...  Read the full story.

Posted by John Campea at 09:37 AM

February 21, 2006

Possible Silver Surfer Casting for Fantastic Four 2

If what we have read about the follow up Fantastic Four movie is true, then we will be seeing the shredder of the cosmos Silver Surfer. This would be great...  Read the full story.

Posted by Brad Shipston at 07:44 PM | Comments (9)

Transformers Movie Rumors

For some time now we have been chatting and digging up what we can find about the anticipated Transformers live action film. Though this is listed as rumor and a...  Read the full story.

Posted by Brad Shipston at 07:12 PM | Comments (5)

Spielberg Ready To Roll On Indiana Jones 4!!!

This is terrific news... although not "in stone". Look like Steven Spielberg was giving an interview to an Israeli newspaper and let the following slip:“I haven’t given up making entertaining...  Read the full story.

Posted by John Campea at 02:23 PM | Comments (6)

Jurassic Park 4 Release Date: 2008

Producer Frank Marshal has already said that Jurassic Park 4 is not high on the Steven Spielberg priority list right now... which had me slightly wondering if the big Dino...  Read the full story.

Posted by John Campea at 02:15 PM | Comments (5)

Tony Leung And Andrew Lau Together Again

I just loved Infernal Affairs. It's just one of the best crime dramas I've ever seen in my life. I only regret that I haven't gotten around to watching Infernal...  Read the full story.

Posted by John Campea at 02:09 PM | Comments (2)

The Sentinel Trailer

The new "The Sentinel" trailer has hit the web, and I've gotta tell ya I'm excited about this one. Forget the fact that I LOVE Michael Douglas. Forget the fact...  Read the full story.

Posted by John Campea at 02:03 PM | Comments (2)

February 20, 2006

Audio Edition - February 20th 2006

THE VIDEO VERSION OF THIS AUDIO EDITION WILL BE POSTED ON WEDNESDAY. Today on The Audio Edition, Doug Darren and I talk about the Superman curse and how it seems...  Read the full story.

Posted by John Campea at 07:06 PM | Comments (13)

The Superman Curse

Much like the Kennedy curse, there seems to be a belief that there is indeed a "Superman Curse" as well. Apparently working on a Superman film carries some severe consequences....  Read the full story.

Posted by John Campea at 01:38 PM | Comments (8)

3 King Kong DVD Releases

Here we go again. King Kong was a good fun film, although not as good as some might have you believe. Still the last 2 hours had a lot of...  Read the full story.

Posted by John Campea at 01:30 PM | Comments (20)

New Pirates of the Caribbean 2: Dead Man's Chest Poster

I just loved the first Pirates of the Caribbean. It took me totally by surprise. The stupid thing stayed in the top 10 at the box office for longer than...  Read the full story.

Posted by John Campea at 01:16 PM | Comments (3)

New A Scanner Darkly Trailer

You know, for the life of me I still can't understand why everyone seems to be so pumped about the new Keanu Reeves flick A Scanner Darkly. Yes, the "animation"...  Read the full story.

Posted by John Campea at 01:03 PM | Comments (10)

Jennifer Aniston Naked

Jennifer Aniston is getting all naked for her new comedy with Vince Vaughn called "The Break Up". To the best of my knowledge (which is admittedly limited) this will be...  Read the full story.

Posted by John Campea at 12:49 PM | Comments (6)

DVD Hunter: New Releases for 02/21/06

I don't get to the movies as often as my colleagues here at the Movie Blog, but if there is one thing I do managed to accomplish on a weekly...  Read the full story.

Posted by Brad Shipston at 12:32 PM | Comments (4)

Around The Web - February 20 2006

Here are some of the other news bits floating around the web today: - Godfather actor Richard Bright dies The man was hit by a bus in New York City....  Read the full story.

Posted by John Campea at 11:36 AM | Comments (2)

February 17, 2006

Paul Rudd Joins Reno 911: Miami

I've said for a long time now that I think Paul Rudd is one of the most gifted comedic actors working today. He was one of the huge reasons 40...  Read the full story.

Posted by John Campea at 12:31 PM | Comments (4)

Sony Cutting Back on UMD Movies for PSP

I have said it right from the first day that the PSP went public. The general movie fan does not want to watch movies on a small hand held device....  Read the full story.

Posted by John Campea at 12:21 PM | Comments (8)

Eva Green Is The New Bond GIrl

Yes, this is actually OFFICIAL and announced. The new Bond Girl for the upcoming Casino Royale is French actress Eva Green. I can't comment too much on her as an...  Read the full story.

Posted by John Campea at 12:11 PM | Comments (12)

Downloading Your Movie Rentals With MovieBeam

Now this is an interesting idea:MovieBeam customers have purchased a $199 (U.S.) box on which 100 movies are stored at any time. Most titles are offered day and date with...  Read the full story.

Posted by John Campea at 12:02 PM | Comments (3)

The 2006 Saturn Awards Nominations

The Saturn Awards nominations have been anounced. What are the Saturn Awards? Well, Joshua Tyler over at CinemaBlend describes it as "The Saturns award the best in genre entertainment every...  Read the full story.

Posted by John Campea at 11:54 AM | Comments (6)

Around The Web - February 17th, 2006

Here are some of the other stories floating around the web today: - Former Disney Studio Head on Pixar and Disney Merger It's interesting... he says Pixar now runs the...  Read the full story.

Posted by John Campea at 11:39 AM | Comments (2)

February 16, 2006

Audio Edition - February 16th 2006

On this installment of the Audio Edition, Doug and I discuss the news sent from heaven itself as Arnold and Sly are getting ready to do a movie together at...  Read the full story.

Posted by John Campea at 06:26 PM | Comments (6)

Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sylvester Stallone Movie At Last!

It looks like Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sylvester Stallone are finally going to be doing a movie together! Man, this thing should have been done like 6 years ago... but oh...  Read the full story.

Posted by John Campea at 01:34 PM | Comments (13)

More Films After Bourne Ultimatum

I've enjoyed the first 2 Bourne films (The Bourne Identity and The Bourne Supremacy). I haven't LOVED them, but put together they've made more money than the two most successful...  Read the full story.

Posted by John Campea at 01:12 PM | Comments (6)

Captain America Movie News

I got interested in comics pretty late... I didn't really start reading any of them until I was around 22. It was neat actually reading the stories of all these...  Read the full story.

Posted by John Campea at 12:41 PM | Comments (15)

Paris Hilton As Mother Teresa?

This isn't even funny. Apparently one of the front runners to snag the leading role in a movie about Mother Teresa is... are you ready for this? Paris Hilton! Paris...  Read the full story.

Posted by John Campea at 12:24 PM | Comments (9)

February 15, 2006

Why The Lack Of Audio Editions?

Hey there folks... John here. As some of you have noticed, the Audio Editions have been sparse around here (Man, I never knew so many of you would get so...  Read the full story.

Posted by John Campea at 04:01 PM | Comments (10)

February 14, 2006

Audio Edition - February 14 2006 WITH VIDEO!

Welcome to the Audio Edition with your option of just audio OR video Today Doug, Darren and I discuss the new Will Ferrell film Talladega Nights and it's new trailer,...  Read the full story.

Posted by John Campea at 07:51 PM | Comments (8)

Phil Brown Dies at 89

News from The Force Net. Sadly, Phil Brown, the actor best known as Owen Lars from Star Wars: A New Hope passed away last Friday.Phil Brown, best known for his...  Read the full story.

Posted by Brad Shipston at 01:11 PM | Comments (8)

First Power Of The Dark Crystal Picture

I'm still beside myself at the new that they're making a sequel to The Dark Crystal (titled "The Power of the Dark Crystal"). for thos of you who aren't familiar...  Read the full story.

Posted by John Campea at 11:55 AM | Comments (3)

The Red Star To Become A Movie

I'm sure most of you have never heard of "The Red Star". It's a serise of graphic novels (or "comics" to most people) that re-invisions a Soviet Union in a...  Read the full story.

Posted by John Campea at 11:38 AM | Comments (1)

MySpace Film Launched: Indi Filmmakers have another Outlet

Do you use MySpace? A few years back MySpace was created and it is now the largest online social mess found on the InterWeb. It was originally created for music....  Read the full story.

Posted by Brad Shipston at 11:30 AM

Netflix Punishing Most Faithful Customers

Everyone knows the deal with Netflix. Your order your movies, they send them to you (say 3 of them), you keep them and watch them as long as you want,...  Read the full story.

Posted by John Campea at 11:15 AM | Comments (22)

Thandie Newton Not A Bond Girl

Good news (at least for me)!!! The earlier reports of Thandie Newton being the next bond girl have turned out to be totally false. Why is this good news? Because...  Read the full story.

Posted by John Campea at 10:40 AM | Comments (7)

Around The Web - February 14th 2006

Here are some of the other stories making their way around the web today: - Ridley Scott and Russell Crowe together again in American Gangster This one looks really good...  Read the full story.

Posted by John Campea at 10:07 AM

February 13, 2006

Talladega Nights Trailer

Oh my sweet goodness. The new trailer for Talledega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby has hit the web, and I've been laughing for the last 20 minutes since seeing...  Read the full story.

Posted by John Campea at 09:41 AM | Comments (9)

Superman Budget Is Under $200 Million

A lot of numbers have been thrown around over the last few months about how much it was costing to make Superman Returns. First the number $250 million was thrown...  Read the full story.

Posted by John Campea at 09:28 AM | Comments (11)

Sony Sets Up Anti-Davinci Code Site

You know, sometimes studios actually do something BRILLIANT! Such is the case here with Sony and their forthcoming movie "The Da Vinci Code". Everyone knows that there is a lot...  Read the full story.

Posted by John Campea at 09:19 AM | Comments (5)

1000 Words

Now this sounds like a fantastic idea for a film. According to the good folks over at Coming Soon, Dreamworks has picked up on a pitch for a project called...  Read the full story.

Posted by John Campea at 09:08 AM | Comments (3)

AVP Killed Alien 5

I came across this really interesting story regarding Alien 5. As it turns out both Ridley Scott and James Cameron had been talking about (and actually already working on) developing...  Read the full story.

Posted by John Campea at 09:02 AM | Comments (5)

Jaws Author Peter Benchley Dies at 65

This has been a sad weekend. According to the AP and the Buffalo News, the great Peter Benchley has passed at the age of 65. Benchley is the author of...  Read the full story.

Posted by Brad Shipston at 08:23 AM | Comments (2)

Around The Web - February 13th 2006

Here are some of the other stories making their way around the web today: - Ian McKellen says Hollywood closed to gays You know, with all the gay roles in...  Read the full story.

Posted by John Campea at 07:55 AM

February 10, 2006

They Call Me Bruce - Best news I've heard all day

Bruce Campbell is getting ready to go into production on what could possibly be the single greatest motion picture in the history of mankind. Screw gay cowboys and hobbits and...  Read the full story.

Posted by John Campea at 09:38 AM | Comments (17)

The Dreyfus Affair: A Love Story - Gay Baseball Players Movie

First there was Brokeback Mountain. Hot on the heals of it's Oscar Buzz Brad Pitt comes out and says he wants a gay role to be his next project. Then...  Read the full story.

Posted by John Campea at 09:26 AM | Comments (9)

My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2

My Big Fat Greek Wedding was on of the biggest sleeper hits of all time. It caught a lot of people off guard and hung around in the top 10...  Read the full story.

Posted by John Campea at 08:59 AM | Comments (3)

X-Men 3: Good News and Bad News

Ok, let's start with what I think is good news (although it's only fair that I should point out there are people out there who disagree with me... fair enough)....  Read the full story.

Posted by John Campea at 08:52 AM | Comments (8)

Snow Cake

Snow Cake is a movie that I'm just dying to see for 4 very important reasons. First of all it all takes place in Canada (yeah I'm a homer). Secondly...  Read the full story.

Posted by John Campea at 08:32 AM | Comments (1)

Basic Instinct 2: Risk Addiction Trailer

The official Basic Instinct 2: Risk Addiction trailer has gone up online. It's not bad actually... but totally nowhere near as good as the "Pirated Leaked" one that we posted...  Read the full story.

Posted by John Campea at 08:19 AM

February 09, 2006

Firewall Reviews

To say Harrison Ford's career has been in the crapper for the last 10 years is an insult to crappers. The once "money in the bank" actor hasn't been in...  Read the full story.

Posted by John Campea at 04:34 PM | Comments (7)

The Pink Panther Reviews

The Pink Panther reviews are coming in... and while they aren't horrible horrible horrible, they certainly aren't positive either. not what I (or most Steve Martin fans out there) were...  Read the full story.

Posted by John Campea at 04:15 PM | Comments (1)

Final Destination 3 Reviews

I wasn't that big of a fan of the first two Final Destination films. That being the case, you can imagine my lack of enthusiasm for Final Destination 3. oh...  Read the full story.

Posted by John Campea at 04:01 PM

Matt Damon and Ben Affleck Together Again

Say what you want about either of them, but when Matt Damon and Ben Affleck work together... it just works. I loved Dogma, and I loved Good Will Hunting even...  Read the full story.

Posted by John Campea at 12:28 PM | Comments (6)

I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry

Hot on the heels of Brokeback Mountain (gay cowboys), why not a comedy about gay Firefighters? Looks like Adam Sandler and Kevin James are teaming up to appear in "I...  Read the full story.

Posted by John Campea at 12:16 PM | Comments (1)

Doom 3 Xbox Demo on Doom DVD

Looks like the studios realized no one would really want to own the DOOM DVD (the movie was just horrible), so they've decided to package a fully playable demo of...  Read the full story.

Posted by John Campea at 12:08 PM | Comments (3)

Pamela Anderson Does Cameo in Baywatch Movie

Although the new Baywatch movie isn't going to star the original cast from the eye candy show, it looks like they're going to be brining back a bunch of them...  Read the full story.

Posted by John Campea at 11:55 AM | Comments (2)

Freddy vs. Jason vs. Michael

Although most of us in the film fan world have been hoping for a Freddy vs. Jason vs. Ash film... it looks like we might get the next best thing....  Read the full story.

Posted by John Campea at 11:39 AM | Comments (5)

Dave Chappelle’s Block Party

I'm not a Dave Chappelle fan at all. I don't dislike him at all... but he's never really made me laugh. Now, having said that, I just caught the trailer...  Read the full story.

Posted by John Campea at 10:58 AM | Comments (7)

RV Trailer

I've always loved Jeff Daniels. The guy is one of the most underrated talents in the movies today. He's one of those rare guys that can do comedy and drama...  Read the full story.

Posted by John Campea at 10:44 AM

Marie Antoinette Trailer

The new Marie Antoinette trailer (Sofia Coppola's new film) is online... and it is quite possible the most annoying trailer I've seen in months. It's no secret around here that...  Read the full story.

Posted by John Campea at 10:31 AM | Comments (19)

Don't Come Knocking Trailer

The new Don't Come Knocking trailer is now online and it's a damn pleasant surprise. Every once in a while a project flies totally under my radar (which only means...  Read the full story.

Posted by John Campea at 09:45 AM

Duck Season Trailer

The new Duck Season trailer is now online. The poster for the new film boasts "Alfonso Cuarón (the director of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, a horrible movie,...  Read the full story.

Posted by John Campea at 09:31 AM | Comments (5)

February 07, 2006

Audio Edition - NOW WITH VIDEO!

Something new here on the Audio Edition. We trying an experiment where we both record AND film the Monday Roundtable Audio Editions. This was our first attempt at it... as...  Read the full story.

Posted by John Campea at 11:01 AM | Comments (29)

Basic Instinct 2: Porn Explosion

If you listen to the rumours floating around the net, some x-rated pirated footage has been leaked on the internet from the new Basic instinct 2: Risk Addiction. Sure enough,...  Read the full story.

Posted by John Campea at 10:20 AM | Comments (5)

Toy Story 3 Still On

I think the new happy family over at Disney/Pixar land need to have a family meeting and get their stories straight. Just a short time ago new Disney animation department...  Read the full story.

Posted by John Campea at 10:00 AM | Comments (8)

February 06, 2006

Nacho Libre Trailer

Oh my sweet goodness. The new Nacho Libre trailer is here... and man it's brilliant. When I first heard that Jack Black was going to be doing a comedy about...  Read the full story.

Posted by John Campea at 09:29 AM | Comments (10)

V for Vendetta Super Bowl Trailer

One of the highlights of the Super Bowl for me (other than seeing The Bus finally get his championship) was the seeing the new trailer for V for Vendetta. There's...  Read the full story.

Posted by John Campea at 09:11 AM

Wong Kar-Wai To Direct Hurricane Katrina Movie

Chinese director Wong Kar-Wai is apparently getting ready to come to the United States to shoot a film about Hurricane Katrina. Wong Kar-Wai already has a cult like following here...  Read the full story.

Posted by John Campea at 08:57 AM | Comments (2)

James Cromwell Joins Spider-Man 3

Actor James Cromwell has joined the cast of Spider-Man 3. Cromwell is set to play Captain Stacy, who is Gwen Stacy's police office father (at least in the comics). As...  Read the full story.

Posted by John Campea at 08:43 AM | Comments (2)

Grandpa Al Lewis Passes Away

Over the weekend Grandpa Al Lewis passed away. He was 82 and it is said that he died of heart failure. We all know Al Lewis as Grandpa Munster, but...  Read the full story.

Posted by Brad Shipston at 08:14 AM | Comments (2)

Bold Bryce Dallas Howard Naked Shots from Manderlay

Ok, if you've been aroundThe Movie Blog for any length of time you know that I'm not prone to posting up "Look at this naked celebrity" posts or pictures. But...  Read the full story.

Posted by John Campea at 06:50 AM | Comments (3)

February 05, 2006

Richard reviews The Island

The Island, supplied by LOVEFiLM DVD Rental, was nominated on The Movie Blog Readers Awards 2005 in the category of Worst Execution of the Best Plot, and for good reason...  Read the full story.

Posted by at 09:27 AM | Comments (10)

Mission Impossible 3 teasers

I've just received my first M:I:III email from the The Ultimate Mission: M:i:III Scavenger Hunt. My first clue is coming... Your first clue will be released at 5PM PST on...  Read the full story.

Posted by at 06:35 AM | Comments (1)

Brokeback Mountain vs Back to the Future trailer

To date I've found the trailer mashups (as they are being called, I much prefer the 'vs' tag of the music industry, however using that might get me a fine...  Read the full story.

Posted by at 06:13 AM | Comments (3)

February 04, 2006

Richard reviews Sky Blue (Wonderful Days)

Sky Blue, or Wonderful Days, was a totally, and please forgive the pun, out of the blue choice for me and I chose it for no other reason than it...  Read the full story.

Posted by at 09:39 PM | Comments (3)

Justin Lin talks OldBoy remake

The original film Oldboy is superb, and gives you a real kick in the pants near the end, a surprise that Hollywood can barely bring themselves to consider never mind...  Read the full story.

Posted by at 01:49 PM | Comments (6)

Fantastic Four 2 villians revealed?

This is a big surprise, but only if it's true...and frankly the way it's set out on the page it looks like just another big marketing ploy. However, over at...  Read the full story.

Posted by at 04:22 AM | Comments (11)

Bond Filming with no cast?

Okay, well they have Bond, but no villain or leading lady, and yet they're off filming in Prague right now. From the BBC: The film, starring new 007 Daniel Craig,...  Read the full story.

Posted by at 04:21 AM | Comments (5)

Iron Man back with Cassavettes?

There were rumours that Alex Proyas was set to film Iron Man, but now the rumour is that Nick Cassavetes (still showing on IMDB) is back on the lineup. Comments...  Read the full story.

Posted by at 04:19 AM | Comments (4)

Spiderman 3 spoilers or misdirections?

I can't help but think that Mr Raimi is sitting there laughing right now, as he sips a beer or a nice glass of wine (as I am, Casillero del...  Read the full story.

Posted by at 04:17 AM | Comments (4)

Richard Donner says no Goonies 2?

Sounds like he is saying no way from the quote he's recently made about the possibility of a Goonies sequel movie, and the comments are sweet music to our ears....  Read the full story.

Posted by at 04:16 AM | Comments (5)

16 Blocks Trailer

I know I've posted this before, but now it's available in a few other nice formats and I've finally been able to see it. I like it when a concept...  Read the full story.

Posted by at 04:14 AM

The Air I Breathe continues amazing casting trend

I love the movies which appear now and again with some bizarre and amazing casting in them, and The Air I Breathe is no different with a varied and extremely...  Read the full story.

Posted by at 04:13 AM

Night Watch (Nochnoi Dozor) trailer and film online

I've seen it, and it's good (Say that last word with naughty relish). Check out the review of Night Watch (Nochnoy dozor) for how it is as a complete movie....  Read the full story.

Posted by at 04:12 AM | Comments (2)

Peckinpah's Garret & Kid restored

The Berlin International Film Festival is set to close on February the 18th with a digitally restored version of Sam Peckinpah's Pat Garrett & Billy the Kid. It's not just...  Read the full story.

Posted by at 04:10 AM | Comments (1)

Rock's now after Eastwood

After knocking Arnie off his perch it looks like Rock is now after the Clint Eastwood throne by remaking one of his classic movies, Every Which Way But Loose according...  Read the full story.

Posted by at 04:09 AM | Comments (2)

Sigaw gains kudos

More news from Director Yam Laranas no the continuing success of his superb Sigaw (The Echo) horror film. The Echo (Sigaw) is part of Fantasporto's Official ORIENT EXPRESS selection. It's...  Read the full story.

Posted by at 04:07 AM

Basic Instinct 2 from NC-17 to R

Let's face it that there's nothing that could really make Basic Instinct 2 hit the charts without some hard sex in it...and yet it seems they aren't going to bank...  Read the full story.

Posted by at 04:05 AM

More Rocky Balboa Stills

Yet another photo has turned up on the Rocky Balboa Blog. That's four now and one short video, yet we've had nothing telling us about what's actually going on, isn't...  Read the full story.

Posted by at 04:01 AM

Eve of Understanding at Sedona

I've been following a few smaller movies of late and one that has an excellent Blog (a real one too) is Eve of Understanding. You'll find so much information about...  Read the full story.

Posted by at 04:00 AM

Grange Hill set for big screen?

I'm sure there's not many of you who actually watched the original Grange Hill series on UK Television - I just say that name and the theme poors into my...  Read the full story.

Posted by at 03:58 AM

Omen 666 teaser online

Say goodbye to subtlety and psychological horror with the teaser for Omen 666. Instead of some nice creepy images and tension building scenes, let's look full face on at the...  Read the full story.

Posted by at 03:57 AM | Comments (1)

Ultraviolet gets rescheduled...twice

Well we didn't really think that the movie Ultraviolet was going to be up to much after some of the trailers, and it looks like Sony might agree. They've been...  Read the full story.

Posted by at 03:55 AM | Comments (1)

Anti-American Turkish Film

I never knew there was so much anti-American feeling in Turkey, I had thought that they were quite strong allies with the War on Iraq and were against the slaughter...  Read the full story.

Posted by at 03:52 AM | Comments (4)

February 03, 2006

Audio Edition - February 3rd 2006

Today on the Audio Edition Doug and I discuss the Razzie nominations and who we would choose to "win" each category, the best news of the week being THE DARK...  Read the full story.

Posted by John Campea at 07:13 PM | Comments (12)

Curious George & Will Ferrell's Future

Who is a Will Ferrell fan? It took me a while to warm up to this guy when I first watched him on SNL -back when SNL still had cast...  Read the full story.

Posted by Brad Shipston at 02:02 PM | Comments (3)

Superman Returns: An Interview with Stephan Bender

We are all looking forward to the new Superman Returns movie and frankly we can't get enough juice about this project. IESB has posted a new video interview with the...  Read the full story.

Posted by Brad Shipston at 11:25 AM | Comments (3)

Bond Director Arrested for Prostitution

Ok, this story is just BIZARRRR! Apparently Lee Tamahori (director of "Die Another Day" and "XXX: State of the Union) has been arrested in Hollywood. Why was he arrested? Well......  Read the full story.

Posted by John Campea at 09:54 AM | Comments (7)

Angelina Jolie in Sin City 2?

There is word floating around that Robert Rodriguez (director of Sin City) is after Angelina Jolie for his follow up Sin City 2. To me, this is just a perfect...  Read the full story.

Posted by John Campea at 09:43 AM | Comments (3)

Borat Movie

As we've talked about here on The Movie Blog before, there is indeed a Borat movie heading our way. And from the looks of it, it's already a LOT further...  Read the full story.

Posted by John Campea at 09:33 AM | Comments (5)

Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room Wins Documentary Award

Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room is (in my opinion) easily the best documentary of the year. I still remember my friend Wormwood first telling me about it and...  Read the full story.

Posted by John Campea at 09:21 AM | Comments (2)

Scary Movie 4 Trailer

The Scary Movie 4 trailer has hit the web... and true to it's name... it's scary. I haven't liked a single Scary Movie film yet. To me they've all been...  Read the full story.

Posted by John Campea at 09:08 AM | Comments (7)

Around The Web - February 3rd 2006

Here is some of the other news floating around the web today: - Preparations under way for 'Order of the Phoenix' - Early viewer review of "The Break Up" I'm...  Read the full story.

Posted by John Campea at 08:49 AM | Comments (2)

February 02, 2006

Audio Edition - February 2nd 2006

Welcome to a rare Thursday installment of The Audio Edition. Yesterday the computer was in getting upgraded... so we're here today instead! Today Doug and I discuss some of the...  Read the full story.

Posted by John Campea at 06:02 PM | Comments (12)

The Movie Blog & The Web

If there is one thing I love as much as movies it would be the Internet. Today the Internet provides us with millions of ways to get information, collaborate with...  Read the full story.

Posted by Brad Shipston at 01:23 PM | Comments (3)

Andrew Adamson Back To Direct The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian

I just LOVED The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe. I thought Andrew Adamson did a masterful job re-telling the classic story on the big screen...  Read the full story.

Posted by John Campea at 11:50 AM | Comments (12)

Brad Pitt Wants Gay Role

Brad Pitt is one hell of an actor. The movies he appears in aren't always so good... but he is solid 100% of the time. There will be Oscars in...  Read the full story.

Posted by John Campea at 11:35 AM | Comments (22)

Top Critic Rated Films In Wide Release for 2005

The thing that I love about Rotten Tomatoes is that it's just the best site on the net to get your pure reviews of films. I'm not that thrilled with...  Read the full story.

Posted by John Campea at 11:08 AM | Comments (5)

Rachel McAdams As Bond Girl?

The other day I posted a story about Thandie Newton (just a horendous actress in my opinion) snagging the bond girl role for Casino Royale. I was dismayed by the...  Read the full story.

Posted by John Campea at 10:53 AM | Comments (15)

Val Kilmer & Denzel Washington in Deja Vu

I've been a Val Kilmer fan ever since I first saw Top Secret! when I was a little kid (still the very best spoof movie ever made in my humble...  Read the full story.

Posted by John Campea at 10:41 AM | Comments (3)

Around The Web - February 2nd 2006

Here are some of the other stories floating around the web today: - Jenna Fisher joins cast of "Blades of Glory" This is that comedy staring Will Ferrell and Jon...  Read the full story.

Posted by John Campea at 10:30 AM | Comments (2)

Some Movie Blog In-House Stuff

Hey there everyone, John here. There have been a bunch of things going on around here that I thought I'd update you all on... you know... in case 3 of...  Read the full story.

Posted by John Campea at 09:53 AM | Comments (8)

Richard reviews Munich

The controversy around Munich has been apparent from its announcement, and the unusual move by Steven Spielberg to not talk about it or pamper to the Press has raised expectation...  Read the full story.

Posted by at 02:46 AM | Comments (9)

Richard reviews Walk the Line

Yes, I'm back from an extended holiday, and kicking off with two strong reviews from movies to be released, and just released, in the UK. Going into Walk the Line...  Read the full story.

Posted by at 02:39 AM | Comments (5)

February 01, 2006

The 2006 Razzies Nominiees

I love the Razzies almost as much as the Oscars. In some ways moreso. And now the glorious nominations for this years worst in cinematic achievement have been announced. I...  Read the full story.

Posted by John Campea at 10:02 AM | Comments (16)

Dark Crystal 2!!! Power Of The Dark Crystal

Dark Crystal 2 is coming!!!! Yes, you read that right boys and girls. There is a sequel to The Dark Crystal in the works that will be titled "Power of...  Read the full story.

Posted by John Campea at 09:44 AM | Comments (9)

Coen Brothers New Film No Country For Old Men

I've been a big fan of the Coen Brothers for a while now. Their films are fun, artful, character driven and usually funny too. It's an all too rare mix...  Read the full story.

Posted by John Campea at 09:25 AM | Comments (5)

Around The Web - February 1st 2006

Here is some of the other movie news floating around the web today: - Marilyn Manson making a movie Will someone just please put this guy to sleep - More...  Read the full story.

Posted by John Campea at 06:38 AM | Comments (3)