January 25, 2006

X-Men: The Last Stand

Looks like X-Men 3 has been given it's official release title. X-Men: The Last Stand.

Now, as far as names go that's not too bad. But it's almost a little anti-climactic. I mean, is this REALLY the X-Men's last stand? It honestly sounds more like a title for a final film in the franchise. And, as we all know, unless this movie tanks at the box office (which it won't) there is going to be more X-Men films.

But keep in mind, I'm throwing all of that out there without having read the script or seen the film... so X-Men: The Last Stand could very well be the perfect title for the film. Come to think of it... I wasn't thrilled with the title for X-Men 2 either. X-Men United was a stupid title that had absolutely NOTHING to do with the movie (except for the fact that they teamed up with Magneto for like 10 minutes in the movie near the end... but Magneto isn't an X-Man).

Meh, maybe I'm just nitpicking. Your thoughts on the title?

Posted by John Campea at January 25, 2006 10:27 AM


You are nitpicking.

The previous film's title, while official, was downplayed to the point where the film was just called 'X2'- as it appears in the film's opening credits. When the video/DVD came out, United was back in...

'United' meant that the mutants faced the obsessive evils of Stryker- a common enemy. And, John, Magneto and Mystique joined the X-Men for more than ten minutes. Half an hour to 45 minutes is more like it. Also, as in the comics, it was established that, at one time, Magneto did co-found the Xavier School for the gifted. It was was even a major plot point.

Now, while I think you are being nitpicky, I will say this...

No, I changed my mind. You aren't being nitpicky. If movie sequel history for all franchises known to mankind has taught us, a subtitle that has 'last' or 'final' in it is always premature. Is it really the X-Men's last stand? Does Wolverine take anyone with him in his solo movie? The studio signed actorsfor possible X4's and 5's. Last Stand? Why not X-Men: Pheonix Rising?

'X-Men: X's In The Eyes' ? (some 'deaths' reported in film)

Posted by: darren seeley at January 25, 2006 11:14 AM

Good point darren, but John Campea also made a good point about "United" being a laim or boring title. The movie was great, but I think they'd just been better off calling it Xmen 2

Posted by: Don S at January 25, 2006 02:10 PM

Oh I am not really bothered with minor details, just show us the film already and do not disappoint!

Posted by: Simone at January 25, 2006 03:36 PM

I thought it was X2: Xmen Untied. Oh well.

Posted by: SpideyFan at January 25, 2006 08:56 PM

yea, i could see that being a poor choice of titles, especially with there being so many (well backed up??) rumors of fourth and fifth films.

but really, John....nitpicking?

no way

Posted by: dudenamedsteve at January 25, 2006 10:50 PM

I would've understand if this was the last film, but with four and five planned, it just gets me more dissapointed on what X3 could've been.

BTW, I agree with that reviewer on the fact that Singer doing a Dark Phoenix storyline would have been awesome (like the idea for Superman's death to be in the sequel from Wizard magazine). I am very sure there may be people who didn't care for Jean Grey, but I do feel that Singer could have made us care (maybe).

Although, better to have Bryan direct than Ratner, with all due respect. I'm even waiting 'til summer to buy the original movies, since WB may release a 2-disc collection like they did with Batman.

Good luck to both X-Men and Son of Kong, but my money is on Superman. But please, for the love of God, DON'T SCREW UP ON THE BATMAN & SUPERMAN FILM!

Posted by: The 1mperfex Collector at January 26, 2006 01:27 AM

XMen Last Stand does sound a bit final. Almost like they are anticipating it to finish here.

Some other movie titles that didnt add up to the suggested message:

Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade.
Ok, so there were no other "crusades" after the whole Grail thing but it did imply it was the last movie. At the time, I imagine it was the last. Ask George about that now.

Never Ending Story
Instant classic. It should have ended. I believe they made at least one more and a TV series based on this. No no no.

Highlander Endgame.
Please. Make. It. Stop. There should only be one.

I dont try to read too much into titles. In Hollywood, they often lie to us right in the title of the movie.

Posted by: Rodney at January 26, 2006 02:17 AM

Maybe you're getting your semantics mixed up. Could be that this isn't the X-Men's last stand, but Magneto's. If this franchise is going to continue to grow with more movies, perhaps it's time they moved on past Eric's involvement. Sure, it's difficult to top the Master of Magnetism, but just look at all the rumors swirling around about how water-down some of the other villains (example: Juggernaut) may end up being. If they don't move past Magneto, they can't give any true depth to any other villains, which is precisely why I wouldn't be surprised if this movie ends up being his swan song... at least for now.

Posted by: Dirty_Platypus at February 4, 2006 11:28 PM