January 02, 2006

X-Men 3 praised by Patrick Stewart

PatrickStewart.jpgI'm not sure how much of this is loyalty from Patrick Stewart and how much is real, but he has praised the movie in a recent interview, even raising the script above the other movies.

Cinematical carries the story from Dark Horizons, saying that Stewart had a lot of positive things to say about Brett Ratner and how he had to come straight into the production and hit the ground running.

He said that Ratner put an enormous amount of pressure on the cast and crew, so much so that Stewart found himself working from six at night till six in the morning towards the end of shooting. Not for nothing, but isn't that normal for an actor?...

..."The script, I believe, is the best script of the three. It's very intense, it's very emotional, it's very personal about the individuals that we've already got to know in the first two movies. It has some astonishing set-piece sequences. It has a number of quite significant deaths. [From] what I've seen so far, I think, it's likely to be extraordinary."...

Well I agree with Cinematical there, nothing unusual for an actor to be working that amount of time. Yet the comments about the script are promising. Combined with the trailer this really has lifted itself up in my estimation...still not tremendously excited, but interested. How about you, do Stewarts words help?

Posted by at January 2, 2006 08:06 PM


I think your right about how actors and so on will pump up a movie to get the hype started, but those quotes of his are super strong. I imagine he really means it. I just can’t see him putting his reputation on the line (even though his career has been pretty weak since Star Track) for a movie he does not believe in. Like you said the trailer looks strong and they left a lot of plot set up in the last one with Jean Gray and all. Maybe this movie will rock.

Posted by: Russell at January 3, 2006 02:29 AM

Brian Singer praising this would get me curious. An actor who probably has points on the movie... nope.

Posted by: Cole at January 3, 2006 02:41 AM

I love the X-Men franchise, read all the comics and seen both films, it will be silly ot miss the 3rd because somebody else did the movie. An actor's opinion on a movie he is starring in will not make me watch or not watch it. I am very stubborn, so regardless of what people say about a film, be them critics or not, I will go and see it, it's my money, I decide how to spend it. So I am there on opening day.

(That's my Dark Phoenix impression) ;-)

Posted by: Simone at January 3, 2006 07:10 AM

I am waiting for the day when an actor goes "The script is horrible, there's no plot, and the rest of cast is abominable. I cannot believe I'm making this movie."

Grain. Of. Salt.

Posted by: nOva at January 3, 2006 09:25 AM

I remember listening to Chevy Chase on the Tonight Show for Caddy Shack 2. He’s there doing an interview basically bagging on the movie saying the director blew it and the movie was not that funny at all. Jamie Foxx was pretty down on Stealth from the begining too. I think if an actor knows the movie is going to bomb sometimes they will try and distance them self from it for the sake of their career. Granted Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson was on all the talk shows saying how fun Doom was. So not all actors say the movie is great. Some do some don’t.

Posted by: Russell at January 3, 2006 09:41 AM

"I am waiting for the day when an actor goes "The script is horrible, there's no plot, and the rest of cast is abominable. I cannot believe I'm making this movie."

Jennifer Garner said this about Elektra. She didnt attend the VIP openning night.

Posted by: Rodney at January 5, 2006 01:17 AM