January 18, 2006

Xavier And Magneto

Xavier And MagnetoWhen you cut right to the heart of it, the X-Men isn't about mutants and humans. It's not about Cyclops or Jean Grey. It's not even about Wolverine. No, at the heart of the story of X-Men is two men. Charles Xavier (Professor X) and Eric Lensherr (Magneto).

The relationship between the two (in both the comics and the films) is almost Shakespearian in nature. It is tragic and bold, with loyalty and betrayal. Two old and deep friends, torn apart by phiosophy forged in personal tragedy and pain. Each believing what they are doing is right... and that the other stands in the way of that righteousness. Enemies now... who would still save each others lives... yet gladly sacrifice the other for what they each believe to be the greater good.

And make no mistake about it... Charles Xavier is THE MAN. Eric Lensherr is THE MAN. Oh yeah, it's fun to watch Wolverine jump around with claws shinning... but Xavier could turn Wolverine into a crying baby with the blink of an eye. Magneto could rip him apart into a thousand pieces without even blinking that same eye. They stand as the patriarchs of two rival ideals, of opposing world views... the deepest of enemies... and yet the deepest of friends.

All that rambling of mine you just read came about after seeing this new picture from X-Men 3. The dignity of these two titans. The honor. The power. The grace. It's the story of X and Magneto that got me hooked on The X-Men comics many years ago... and I hope it's something the films (as much as I've loved the first two) get back to.

To see a much larger and better version of the picture on the left you can just click here.

Posted by John Campea at January 18, 2006 12:42 PM


Amen, John.

Posted by: Brian at January 18, 2006 10:54 AM

I hope this Magneto spin off really does turn to this relationship and focus on that.

Posted by: Richard Brunton at January 18, 2006 11:03 AM

Well said John.

Posted by: Randall P at January 18, 2006 11:18 AM

That second paragraph also would work when describing Lex and Clark on smallville. And since that show is a turd because of all the side characters then i dont still don't think X3 will be any good.

Comic book Prof. X is a bit boring. And comic book Magneto is a true menace but these guys are more drama than action. So I'm not really a big fan of two soap-boxers duking it out when there are other perfectly good stories to be seen.

Posted by: Cole at January 18, 2006 03:51 PM

Anyone heard any info on casting for Joe Carnahan's new flick?


J Wright

Posted by: Jeffrey Wright at January 18, 2006 10:23 PM

Doesn't hurt when the characters have been portrayed by two great actors.

Posted by: Lou_Sytsma at January 19, 2006 07:50 AM

I have to agree with Cole, the Professor X in the comics is quite boring but I love Magneto. I personally think that apart from Magneto, the Dark Phoenix is a brilliant character more than Professor X.

What really worked in the comics but wasnt explored in the films is Cyclops, the leader of the X Men, why was he made into a wimp in the films? The guy kicked a lot of a** in the comics, and he was really believable as the leader. Oh well, its not really surprising as Hollywood always never knows what to do. And again, we have also yet to see Storm's potential. I would love to see a Storm versus Callisto spin off, or even side story. That was wild in the comics!

So yes, there is more to the X-Men than just Magneto and Xavier, and that is said with all due respect.

Posted by: Simone at January 19, 2006 12:44 PM

What I'm waiting for is what I think was the best scene ever in the pages of X-Men, and that is when during a battle Wolverine is able to sneak in and shank Magneto. Magneto is so disgusted by the fact that someone like Logan had the audacity to even touch him (he's that holier than thou), that and I think he's a bit unnerved by it, and so he decides to literally just liquify the metal around Wolvie's skeleton and rip it out of his body from a hundred different points. Wolverine goes into a coma, his healing factor barely keeps him alive from the shock to his system, and when he finally wakes up, no more metal exoskeleton. Even his claws when he pops them out are bone claws.

I mean how awesome is that? Really led to a vulnerable time for Wolverine, who up until then was pretty much infallible.

When do they write THAT into the films?

Posted by: Richard (no not THAT Richard) at January 20, 2006 07:36 PM

Hey Richard (no not that Richard)

I know the exact issue you're talking about. I read it when it first came out and thought "HOLY #&#(*@!!!!"

Man that would be swwweeetttt.

Posted by: John Campea at January 20, 2006 07:44 PM