January 07, 2006

Will Smith to stop acting?

WillSmith.jpgNot sure if this is such big news that Will Smith is talking about letting acting take a back seat while he returns to his family.

He's churned out some poor movies indeed, but then he's done a couple of good performances, but they are few and far between. I think I'd be cut up if his resume had included more work like Six Degrees of Separation, Enemy of the State and Ali, instead of playing Will Smith the superstar. According to Digital Spy he's going to spend more time at home and let his wife have some fun.

The actor wants wife Jada Pinkett Smith to have more time working with her band Wicked Wisdom, while he can spend more time with their two children. "I'll probably work less so she can work a little more," Smith is quoted by the Daily Record as saying.

What do you think, is this a particular loss to movies? What do you think his finest points have been, and what his lowest are?

Posted by at January 7, 2006 07:43 PM


don't care.

Posted by: Arethusa at January 7, 2006 08:08 PM

He's going to stop acting? He never started.

Posted by: Alfredo at January 7, 2006 08:31 PM

Have you seen those three movies Six Degrees of Separation, Enemy of the State and Ali? I'd say he's not a bad actor at all, especially from Six Degrees, not the best, but he can act.

Posted by: Richard Brunton at January 7, 2006 08:47 PM

This is the greatest news I heard all week. This would have made my Christmas. Hopefully he will stop acting, get fat and then come back and do some "character" work.

Posted by: Troy S. Williams at January 7, 2006 10:21 PM

I hope this is true, I don't want him to ruin the remake of The Omega Man.

Posted by: Jonesy at January 7, 2006 10:32 PM

The humanity. What will Hollywood do now?

Posted by: JAGMIR at January 7, 2006 11:51 PM

..... you all can't be serious? is it his job to act?.. is it stallone's job to act?... is it schwarenegger's job to act?. its obvious whatever Will Smith was doin` he was doing right.. most of his movies passed the 100,000,000$ mark.. so before you start the will hatin` just think about what he was really sent to do.. he was meant to entertain, not act(which smith showed he could do to some degree in Ali).. and personally I find this crappy news..

Posted by: Ray` at January 8, 2006 12:06 AM

crappy news indeed. I enjoyed all of his movies. Ok, I, Robot not so much, but that's mostly because of the script. Legend of Bagger Vance anyone? I think that's a great film. I always looked forward to his movies and now what?

Oh yeah, Wild Wild West also not so good. So, what's 2 bad movies :)

Posted by: igl at January 8, 2006 05:23 AM

Well on the upside of this hopefully he will go away and make some more great comedy rap albums or a new season of the Fresh Prince of Bel Air.

Oh god did I say that out loud!!!!

Posted by: Sam at January 8, 2006 08:50 AM

I actually enjoyed his acting for the most part, but in the majority of every movie he's ever starred in he seems to just be the "Will Smith" from Fresh Prince; just more mature and action packed.

I'll actually miss him because like every other actor, they each have their own unique charm, and Will Smith's has to be the best.

Posted by: lizardfreak12 at January 8, 2006 11:11 AM

overrated overrated overrated!!! His glory days were 'playing bball outide of school', scoring Tyra Banks and pissing off his uncle!! Cmon, seriously! he killed Independance Day for me with that famous line... 'welcome to earth'.
it seemed that for most of his films he never broke out of the token Black guy character. in a trailer for one of his movies its guaranteed that there will be a one liner from him containing 'damn' or 'that shit is whack'. i hope you'll understand what i mean. ID4, I Robot, Bad Boys, Men in Black were kind of all the same character, even thou i liked bad boys because he fit that role to a tee; brash, cocky.
ill agree with Richard here about him actually acting compared to Will Smith the superstar! just act dude, dont worry about selling a freakin record! im sure your kids can go to college, just entertain us!!!!! damn it!

Posted by: Rich at January 8, 2006 12:55 PM

I will miss knowing that there won't be any more movies where I'm guarenteed to see Mr. Smith running down the street after someone/something. Those were always highlights.

Posted by: kmsqrd at January 8, 2006 01:01 PM

Man, a lot of you guys are harsh. I enjoy watching Will Smith on the big screen... he's got charm that a lot of other actors are missing. I actually really enjoyed even "Hitch".


Posted by: Screen Rant at January 8, 2006 05:40 PM

I agree with you Vic; I don't understand some of the hate here. The man has charm, personality, wit, and he's funny.

I've enjoyed most of the movies he has been in and if he is truly leaving the business, i'll definitely miss seeing him in film.

Will Smith has never come out and tried to be an actor who wins an Oscar; that's why we have seen him turn up in so many big budget Summer action flicks.

I just don't understand some of the hate here.

Posted by: diskjokk at January 8, 2006 10:35 PM

All it takes is one ass to start and then the haters creep out trying to sound cool.

I put Will Smith in the same category as Jack Nicholson, the dude has a natural charm that you cant help but forgive certain things and enjoy the ride.

I personally enjoyed his latest efforts both in I, Robot and Hitch, both were really enjoyable films, I dont ask much more than that from movies, entertain me, thats it.

On a personal note, not from an actting stand point, this guy has class man, Hollywood and humanity in general need more people like him. You dont need to say "Ni**ger" 150 times on a rap album to sell it, he's a rare breed in both music and film and you haters need to give your heads a shake.


Posted by: SmotPoker at January 9, 2006 10:57 AM


Next I'd like to hear that JAIMIE FOX gives up his acting / singing / comedy career to be a political mercenary in the republic of congo!

Posted by: SpideyFan at January 9, 2006 08:11 PM

Will Smith in the same category as JACK NICHOLSAN?


Let me get this straight:






How about this - why not say that KEANU REEVES is in the same category as GENE HACKMAN?

You guys are all SMOKING heavy crack!

Will Smith has contributed nothing but B-MOVIES and alleged "BLOCKBUSTERS" to the big screen. nothing but EYE CANDY. NO real acting, NEVER. Not ONE movie did he play an original role!

If you want to show me that Will Smith is a real actor, make him play the lead role in "THE KING AN I" then he'll impress me.

Until then, he'll always be a rapper singing silly lyrics and taking steroids to bulk up for ALI.

Posted by: SpideyFan at January 9, 2006 08:23 PM


Have a Kit Kat man, Im talking about his persona, I wasn't laying down their collective work side by side and saying its the same, pull your head out of your arse.

And it was so clever of you to Leave Six Degrees of Separation of the list and then mention Ali...followed by laughter instead of saying Oscar nominated performance. You should work PR for the the White House.


Posted by: SmotPoker at January 10, 2006 09:34 AM


and since we are putting our own slant on things I should mention that Will Smith has far more performance awards than Nicholson, far far more, and before you suggest that singing/rapping/performing is not actting, I would kindly once again suggest that you pull your head out of your ass.


Posted by: SmotPoker at January 10, 2006 09:37 AM

"Six Degrees of Separation" Smot, I was right behind you. Everyone seems to be missing out that in their conversations, which probably means that they haven't seen it. That's his best performance onscreen, and alongside Donald Sutherland he's superb.

Posted by: Richard Brunton at January 10, 2006 01:39 PM

I hope he doesn't stop acting that guy is my hero, hes the reseon i want to get into acting so i can have a chance to act with him

Posted by: T Jay at February 4, 2006 02:42 PM

i love your acting u r great funny and everything else i enjoyed u in fresh prince then watch u in movies sush as independance day wild wild west and men in black were my favorite and bad boys r awsome i must say hope to see in more moviees u r my favorite actor so take care and have good time taking care of your wondeful familly i know how that is

Posted by: jacques-andre viau at February 18, 2006 12:37 AM