January 19, 2006

When A Stranger Calls Trailer

When A Stranger CallsThe When A Stranger Calls trailer is up and running on the web. Never heard of it yet? You're not alone, but it is indeed getting a wide release on February 3rd. The film has a synopsis that we've heard about a thousand times in various other films/tv shows/late night stories:

During an otherwise routine babysitting gig, a high-school student is harassed by an increasingly threatening prank caller.
Oh but you just know things go far beyond a prank call don't you? Anyway, as I said there's nothing noteworthy or groundbreaking about the concept behind this one, as a matter of fact it looks like a remake of the 1979 version of the same name.

Still, I'll give the When a Stranger Calls trailer this much... it does at least feel eerie. It's obviously low budget (lack of any recognizable names) and makes you think "oh crap... she's screwed!".

I'm not saying this is going to be good... but the trailer is at least good enough to catch my attention. You can see the When A Stranger Calls trailer here.

Posted by John Campea at January 19, 2006 09:32 AM


They give you the first plot twist in the trailer, so that has to take care of at least the first 30 minutes of the movie.

Posted by: wampachow at January 19, 2006 11:05 AM

Did you notice that's it's directed by Simon West, of Con Air and Tomb Raider fame?

Posted by: Geoff Gresh at January 19, 2006 01:23 PM

When I first saw the trailer I thought it was a joke, like a stupid commercial or MTV promo or something, then the title and ratings came on and I laughed. This looks to be some very stupid shit, yes indeedy.

Posted by: lizardfeak12 at January 19, 2006 09:33 PM

Of COURSE it's a remake of the 1979 version. Did you not get that from the TITLE? It's a pretty decent movie too - used to run on TV when I was a kid and scared the jeepers out of me. Worth a rent from Netflix. The new version appears to be a lot lamer - I can't imagine it will have the shocking twists of the original. Everyone will be fine in the end, I'm sure, and that ain't how it happened in the original.

Posted by: propagandery at January 21, 2006 11:18 PM

The first plot twist? This trailer is shameful and the makers should be ashamed of themselves. This trailer gives away the ENTIRE film as far as I am concerned. They even show you who the bad guy is in the trailer. Granted it looks like he is a nobody(actor-wise) but couldn't they give us a little suspense. What is is with the movie companies that they don't trust people will go see a movie without showing them everything. When I first saw the trailer in the theaters in Front on Hostel, I shouted "well, no need to see it now, they just gave away the whole film". Needless to say I heard quite a few people around me agree with me.

Yes, you could make the argument that it is a remake and that "people" already know the story. Well, there are plenty of younger people who never saw the original and i'm sure even some older ones who never got a chance to see it.

I know it sounds dumb but I make a point to boycott movies where they gave the whole thing away in the trailers. It probably helps that most of the films they do this too are films I wouldn't waste my time with anyway.

Posted by: jason presti at January 22, 2006 05:55 PM

Hey there Jason,

Normally I'd TOTALLY agree with you. I HATE it when trailers give everything away. BUT...

From what I understand... the trailer for this film actually shows you VERY LITTLE of it's plot and twists. It makes you THINK you've seen everything... but it really doesn't.


Posted by: John Campea at January 22, 2006 06:09 PM