January 13, 2006

Whedon hints at Goners script

whedon2.jpgJoss Whedon has let slip some very tiny hints at his new project Goners. Something that every fan is on tenderhooks for, and moreso than for wondering who the woman is going to be in his superhero flick...well I am!

From Empire:

it ventures more into the horrific than I normally tend to. I love horror movies but I looked back on Buffy and I was like 'Oh, we forgot to make it scary.' It was occasionally scary but I got so wrapped up in the emotions and people and things that I missed the horror aspect. Goners comes back to that a little bit." Plot-wise, all Whedon will divulge is that it's about a young woman, and involves heroics.

So really not that much, but a hint of more scary stuff...well that's something? I am looking forward to this more though, because with this project it's all about him and his ideas, with Wonder Woman he's bound by certain guidelines of the genre, the creators of the original character, etc etc. It'll be interesting to see what he does, but he's bound to a degree. So Goners is what I'm looking for, but a scarier Buffy movie?

Posted by at January 13, 2006 02:53 PM