January 22, 2006

Vinnie Jones Talks Juggernaut and X-Men 3

Vinnie Jones As JuggernautI know some people weren't thrilled, but right from the get go I was happy with the casting of Vinnie Jones as Juggernaut (not withstanding that there ARE too many characters in the film already). The man may not be able to act all that well... but you can't deny the screen presence he brings with him (oh man he was hilarious in Snatch).

Vinnie was on TV the other day dishing a little in Juggernaut and his possible future in X-Men films. The following is from the good folks over at AICN:

When asked about the film he said he had go through 4 hours of makeup every morning to get ready for the role of juggernaut, which included the boots. He also said that he had some good 1 liners in the movie, & that his character, although he didn't have much screen time, played an important role in the film.

Move importantly he revealed that he has signed for Xmen 4 & 5 !!!!!!!!

Now... as I've said in other posts about actors who sign up for future sequels.... THAT DOESN'T MEAN THAT THEY'LL BE IN THEM! All it means is that IF (and that's a big if) the studio decides they WANT him in X-Men 4 or 5 then Jones is contractually obligated to appear... but the studio has no obligation to use him is they don't see fit.

Still... I can't wait to see the big guy in action. It'll still probably suck... but I've got more hope for it these days than I have in a long long time. We'll see.

Posted by John Campea at January 22, 2006 11:35 AM


Vinnie Jones is crazy! will never forget what an insane soccer player he used to be...ohh my..that old interview where he talks about the best ways to injure people...ouch

Posted by: Cabbe at January 22, 2006 12:14 PM

Check out AICN for news from someone who has seen an early cut of the movie. Seems that 3 characters die. I won't say any more so as not to spoil it but I'm gutted. Can't see how they can continue without one of them in particular.

Posted by: Steve at January 22, 2006 01:13 PM