January 09, 2006

V for Vendetta Japanese Trailer

V4VendettaMask.jpgThe Japanese trailer for V for Vendetta is quite interesting, and possibly will make those concerned about the W-Brothers involvement worried for the project.

Through Twitch from AICN, you can see the trailer over at the Warner Brothers Japanese site. It's available in Quicktime, Realplayer and Windows Media, and does look quite slick and powerful.

However, when I watched it, saw the build up and heard the music of the latter half of the trailer when the action starts, there is one thing looming large in my mind. Matrix. Sure, all the clips are of V for Vendetta and the first half does look really good from the production point of view, but that second half kicks in the with Matrix lobby style music and a darkly dressed, almost leather clad figure appears and starts some cool fighting onscreen...oh, it reeks of Matrix.

That might concern some fans waiting for this movie because the talk on previous threads has mainly centered around the W-Brothers working behind the scenes on a hallowed comic that has deep political undertones through it, and how they might just turn it into an action fess (or mess) a la the Matrix series.

So go and have a look at the trailer and come back and say what you think.

Posted by at January 9, 2006 03:16 AM


The Japanese trailer doesn't really affect my opinion. Sure it has a little Matrix-esque music in it, but maybe they are trying lure them in with the whole "just like the matrix" angle. Other than that, it doesnt really show much... more of a teaser. I had concerns in the beginning but, after the seeing the American trailers i felt a little better, the movie does seem to have its own "feel" from them... I never really though "wow, looks just like the Matrix...", but the W bros. involvment does still linger in my mind. I still think i want to see this movie...

Posted by: Jim at January 9, 2006 08:43 AM

Why the concern?

Temp music in trailers is nothing new, and maybe they felt the need to remind some audiences that the film is a Joel Silver- Wachowski Bros production.

Posted by: darren seeley at January 9, 2006 09:21 AM

Political undertones? whats the worry, sounds like its right up the W-Brothers ally. More than half of the people who watched the Matrix trilogy failed to realize the social undertones of the entire 3 films and still liked them as action movies, I have all the confidence in the world that they can handle this story and make it commercial enough that even if you dont get it, you will still like it.

Im totally jazzed about this film.


Posted by: SmotPoker at January 9, 2006 10:45 AM

I've been waiting for this film a long time.. even John saying its like Matrix couldn't ruin it for me(which its not by the way,the W-Brothers have a certain feel,John Fogerty was sued once for sounding to much like himself., everyone has a sound,feel,etc....this is just the W-Brothers..)THIS FILM IS GONNA RAWK!

Posted by: Ray` at January 9, 2006 12:34 PM

There is nothing new from the other trailers in the second half, just different edit, and different music.

I think your putting a little to much into the music.

It was kinda shitty music too.


Posted by: OwlBoy at January 10, 2006 06:40 AM