January 23, 2006

Underworld Evolution Tops At Box Office

Despite the fact that it's getting hammered by the critics, Underworld Evolution just plain old has far more market appeal than anything else in the theaters this weekend (come to think of it... when is Kate Beckinsale in tight leather ever NOT the most appealing thing you can think of?) and EASILY took the #1 spot at the boxoffice almost making more than the number 2,3 AND 4 films combined.

All in all, Underworld Evolution took in $27.6 million, which makes it the 4th largest January opening in history after 1997's Star Wars (Special Edition), Ridley Scott's Black Hawk Down and the comedy Along Came Polly (go figure).

The film cost under $50 million to make... so you might as well get ready for Underworld 3 (something I won't complain about). via

Posted by John Campea at January 23, 2006 05:22 AM



I have to say, I aboslutely loved this movie.

there were naked lesbian vampires, werewolves getting hit int he face with battle axes, heads getting ripped in half and things getting thrown into helicopter blades.

also, kate is soooo friggin' hot, it is ridiculous.


Posted by: miles at January 23, 2006 08:11 AM

i would have to agree--i relly like this movie despite the critic's panning the movie-----it is a good story, excellent action and KATE.--DANDANBUL.BLOGSPOT/

Posted by: DAN MURRAY at January 24, 2006 03:21 PM