January 10, 2006

Underworld Evolution pictures - Beckinsale in leather

Beckinsale-Underworld.jpgThere are some more gratituous shots of Kate Beckinsale in leather online, and also some other shots from Underworld: Evolution.

Seriously though the first movie was actually good, and this is shaping up to be a big step up from the previous film. Did anyone hate it and have a logical, intelligent reason why not? I find people who've said they've never seen it, but those that have tend to scale it from okay to good, I'm at the upper end of that, and not just for Kate!

Pictures over at Cinemablend.

Posted by at January 10, 2006 07:18 AM


I saw Underworld and didn't like it much. Why make a movie based on the White Wolf roleplaying games and then smother it in West End Story?

(Admittedly, it does seem to be the only way to get Hollywood to go for projects set in that world...)

Anyway, it completely misses the target of the compelling cold conspiracies of the gaming world it's allegedly inspired by.

Now, don't get me wrong, I understand that adaptations has to be adapted - but in this case it's just a clichéd story, which to no particular effect has been put in a new setting. It's all just very pointless.

Posted by: Björn Lindström at January 10, 2006 07:46 AM

I liked Underworld!
It was a good change from the usual vampire films, which mostly have one single hero that has to do everything themselves...I mean in order for someone to have a succesful vampire/warewolf film, changes and adaptations needed to be made.
I liked the cast, the way it was done and the overall sequences.

Posted by: Leeanne at January 10, 2006 08:34 AM

Hmmm maybe I am out of the loop on this one but as far as I know, this was not based in any way, shape or form, on anything. I saw its premiere at the Toronto International Film Festival and both Len Wiseman and Kevin Grevioux gave the impression this was an original story that they penned as a natural trilogy.

White Wolf? I dont think so friend, but of course I could be wrong.


Posted by: SmotPoker at January 10, 2006 09:27 AM

Underworld was an excellent renter for a rainy afternoon, and I look forward to renting the sequel. Aside from the visual style, I liked the film's "serious" tone--I am sick to death of wise-cracking action heroes, and was glad that there were no jokes, puns or zingers to be found.

Posted by: Ivan at January 10, 2006 12:35 PM

I didn't find Underworld a very pleasant movie going experience at all.

Flat acting and terrible writing (mainly dialogue) couldn't make up for the good action scenes and special effects for this guy.

Although Kate...what a hottie.

Posted by: eric at January 10, 2006 07:29 PM

Underworld was a great movie IMO. I enjoyed the Romeo + Juliet part of the movie. It had good acting, not perfect but most characters had a good chemistry with each other. Then there is the factions between vampires and lycans which, is grounded well in the back story. The passing of memories was an interesting touch for the vampires, as well as the lycans. With the way the plot unfolded, the story kept me immersed. Now I will not say this movie deserves awards or that is was flawless as the transformation of the lycans was bad as was the final look of them, but did not pull me out of the story. But for less than 2 hours of my time, this movie was great and I love a good story.

Posted by: dan at January 10, 2006 07:58 PM

Great fun action movie as far as I'm concerned, and I look forward to an even better one with this second part...

...I'm just PRAYING its not like what happened with the Blade Sequels..........

Posted by: Spazmo at January 10, 2006 09:01 PM