January 13, 2006

Ultraviolet trailer online

Ultraviolet.jpgNow that the trailer for Ultraviolet is online I might have to reconsider some of the things I previously said about the movie. The short clip we were treated to before didn't inspire me, but all this stylised action mixed with some cool music makes me reconsider my position, although not that much.

I'm still concerned, not only by the HUGE big scene spoiler in the trailer (idiots) but by that shot just seconds before where she's up against half the universe, everyone starts firing, and she just sits on her arse...although since the spoiler is in there I guess we know why she does that - those of us who watched it anyway.

I'm going to drop this on my watch list though. What about you, now you've seen the trailer from UGO in Quicktime and Windows Media Player. Links through Movies Online.

Posted by at January 13, 2006 02:26 PM


Call me an idiot, but i am a sucker for this type of movie. I love it. Martial arts/fighting, sci-fi, futuristic, over-the-top special FX...I'm in. Plus, i thought equilibrium was fantastic. (Not without its flaws, but i still loved it.) This movie even seems a little like it could be Equilibrium 2... just take out Christian Bale and put in Milla! I had no idea about this movie until this post, but i will be there opening weekend...

Posted by: Jim at January 13, 2006 03:49 PM

I'm with Jim. Equilibrium was great, at the least for the cool new style Wimmer created. This looks equally cool, though it begs the question- besides the cool factor of smashing breastplates, why wear glass? (I'm sure it's explained as some sort of bulletproof armor).

Posted by: charkhammis at January 13, 2006 04:13 PM

Freakin' awsome! I'm so glad the style of Equilibrium hasn't gotten over looked, although it turned out to be a highly underrated and mist film. If you havn't seen it, then you really should, it'll get you pumped up for this movie.

It does seem like it could be a Equilibrium 2. Which would be awsome, but I'm also glad it's not so this style of film can be done in a diffrent way as well. Hell ya I can't wait. Def be there on opening day.

And ol' Milla seems to be showing she can still pull off an actual good action role in a movie with hopfully good writing and put the crappyness that were the Resident Evil films behind her...

Posted by: Kaneda at January 13, 2006 06:23 PM

looks very excellent, but I hope that trailer didn't give away all the major action/fx scenes. Well we all have to wait til 2/24/06 for this movie to premiere.

Posted by: jack at January 14, 2006 12:05 AM

Damn, I was hoping that this was a film version of the british sci-fi vampire mini series: http://imdb.com/title/tt0169501/

Posted by: rob at January 14, 2006 11:35 AM

Yeah Rob, that was my hope when I saw the title the very first time. That series was really pretty intelligent and great entertainment.

Posted by: Richard Brunton at January 14, 2006 11:58 AM

This movie ROCKS ! Great visual style and from the images I guess the action will be awesome. I am really looking forward to see this.

Did this movie get more budget than Aeon Flux, or just more talent ?

Posted by: dave at January 14, 2006 12:23 PM

The spoiler is there so we know she is smart. OMG a smart, 'sexy', superpowerful, martial artist female. Never seen that before, except almost every action movie released in the last 5 years. That would be okay except they all have the same personality. At least with the male leads they had a spectrum from ultra-cool to hyper witty. Plus give me a female star who doesn't look like a drug addict.

Equilibrium was great. Nice blend of dystopian sci fi with action. Plus it has one of the leads from Miracle. I don't mind that it had some thematic elements from 1984 and Farenheit 451, because it did them well. Bizarrely that's why some people panned it. Maybe that's why they make so many paint by numbers, no point being the least bit creative if you're going to be savaged by critics. Sci fi movies seem the only genre where people complain when something is similar to something else. Just imagine if people in the art world panned the Mona Lisa because portraits have been done before, or complained we have seen the colour red before. Oh wait, at unis they enforce originality, and insist that art works be totally original. Any hint of similarity to anything known, even in technique, is criticized. You've seen the results in modern art galleries, or not, because hardly anyone goes.

Posted by: darkbhudda at January 16, 2006 05:43 PM

Can someone tell me what music is in the trailer? I recognized the first one from Matrix. But what song was the second one?
About the trailer, I think its good, beter than Aeon Flux, but it dose have its faults. I hope they do a better job in the next trailer.

Posted by: Sponch at January 16, 2006 05:44 PM

The trailer was pretty cool. I just don't like the fact that they used the same music as "The Matrix". That kinda ticked me off.

Other than that, the movie looks like a good rental, and oh yeah...she looks totally cute.

Posted by: TM at January 17, 2006 11:18 AM

"24" - Jem

This is the song and artist for the song at the end of the trailer hope this helps.

Posted by: KipR at January 21, 2006 08:50 PM

Does anyone know the name of the first song (the one before 24 (Jem))

Posted by: gc0067 at January 28, 2006 01:14 AM

Rob D (Dougan) - "Clubbed to death"

Posted by: antonz at January 28, 2006 02:39 AM


Posted by: gc0067 at January 28, 2006 11:33 PM

From what i've red for Blood Rayne, i think that Milla had rescued herself with this movie..

Posted by: Exorcist at January 29, 2006 07:56 AM


Too bad she wasnt in Bloodrayne :p

Posted by: butt at February 9, 2006 05:51 PM

The first song used is Rob D - Clubbed to Death - Kurayamino mix (not the original version) originally from the Matrix soundtrack. It's been used it tons of commercials and trailers. It's a brilliant piece of music.

Posted by: heterophobic at February 11, 2006 12:32 AM