January 03, 2006

Tom Hanks in Star Trek?

Star Trek rumours seem to be the flavour of the month right now... but this is the biggest one I've heard yet... and probably the most unlikely. However, it's so bold that I just had to mention it here. Tom Hanks is whispered to possibly be on board for the next Star Trek project.

So how on earth does a franchise like Star Trek, while on total life support, even dream of landing a top 5 and multi Oscar winning actor like Tom Hanks? Well apparently it's all about WHO you know. The good folks over at M&C; give us the following:

Fan site Sci-Fi Heaven is reporting that Tom Hanks may somehow be involved in the next new Star Trek project, whatever that is. Hanks involvement supposedly hinges on what direction Paramount Pictures decides to go with the franchise. Should they choose to develop the Trek script turned in to them by Erik Jendresen a few months ago, the claim is that Tom Hanks comes with it.

Where's the connection? Well, Erik had a hand in writing the Tom Hanks mini-series "Band of Brothers".

As Josh point out, I think this is pretty thin logic. Just because some guy knows another guy doesn't mean anything really. But ok, let's play fantasy for a moment shall we....

IF Tom Hanks signed up to appear in any sort of new Star Trek project, it would almost certainly revitalize the entire franchise. Star Trek would suddenly get a desperately needed influx of NEW audience members (something that Star Trek hasn't had in almost 10 years) and instant credibility (something the franchise has lacked for quite some time as well). That being the case... I could see Paramount putting up BIG dollars to secure Hank's involvement. However....

What on earth would Tom Hanks have to gain from a project like Star Trek? The man already has more money than Poland and isn't about to get any Oscar nominations for a Sci-Fi project like Star Trek either. It seems to me that right now Hanks is about trying to secure his spot in history as one of the all time greats. Star Trek wouldn't help him in that endeavor... even if the film (or films) was a success.

Tom Hank in a Star Trek film would be a no lose situation for Paramount and the Star Trek franchise... but a no win situation for Hanks himself. So no... not a chance in hell.

Posted by John Campea at January 3, 2006 09:24 AM


What on earth would Tom Hanks have to gain from a project like Star Trek?

My guess, Tom Hanks might be a huge Trekkie and he might just want to do it because he wants too. I've read in several places through out the years that he loves Trek

From IMDB for example:
According to Patrick Stewart (Captain Picard), he is a huge Trekkie and the first time the two met, Star Trek was the only thing he wanted to talk about. Hanks was actually the original choice to play Zefram Cochrane in Star Trek: First Contact (1996), and desperately wanted to play the role, but had to back out due to his earlier commitment to That Thing You Do! (1996).

Posted by: Rob Merritt at January 3, 2006 10:03 AM

It will be interesting to see if he will be in it. I have always liked Star Trek movies. I like them better than Star Wars movies. So if this is "The New Next Genration." I am in.
Donna A.

Posted by: Donna A. at January 3, 2006 10:18 AM

I have not seen a Star Trek film or tv series. If Mr. Hanks will be involved in it, I might give it a look.

Posted by: Simone at January 3, 2006 12:35 PM

Are you kidding?

Tom Hanks has a huge hard-on for space, anything to do with space period, if he was given the chance to be an ensign in a ST movie he would. Id bet my left nut he will apear in a ST film in the near future, even if it is a Christian Slaterish cameo, but Im thinking Cap. Hanks all the way.


Posted by: SmotPoker at January 3, 2006 01:57 PM

ohhh somehting I forgot to mention regarding the lack of accolades one would receive from appearing in a ST film, do you think Depp thought he'd get a best Actor nod for Pirates? I dont think so, I dont think anyone in a million years would have, it's all about the performance, if it's entertaining it'll get noticed.

I would love to see Hanks play something not-so-straight (no Philidelphia jokes please) something a little skewed like his old stuff, a Jack ass rogue of a captain would be wonderful...a guy can dream cant he?


Posted by: SmotPoker at January 3, 2006 02:15 PM

I think it would be worth paying him his twenty mil if he were to star as a villian in Star Trek. I know I would go see a movie with him in Klingon costume.

Posted by: crackerjack at January 3, 2006 03:34 PM

Why on earth would an oscar winning performer want to appear in Star Trek?

Why not just ask Whoopie Goldberg?

Posted by: Morbius at January 3, 2006 03:39 PM

Not to mention Joel Grey and Louise Fletcher.

Posted by: Morbius at January 3, 2006 03:42 PM

Tom Hanks would be fine in a cameo or supporting role; but why the question of an Oscar winner being in Star Trek be looked down upon? Someone mntioned Whoopi.

I submit to you another:
F Murray Abraham.

Posted by: darren seeley at January 3, 2006 07:13 PM

Yes. Tom Hanks WILL be involved in 'A' Star Trek movie. I know the guy who is directing this movie. I will keep you posted when he says it's cool.

Posted by: Jason at January 3, 2006 11:51 PM

Yeah Morbius, what's the logic behind that post of yours anyway?

Posted by: Simone at January 4, 2006 10:16 AM

Star Trek sucks donkey. Thank the Gods it's done and over with.

Posted by: Fredo Teabaggins at January 4, 2006 05:33 PM

Yo yo yo! Tom Hanks wont work in Star Trek cuz it sux balls

Posted by: yoman69 at February 5, 2006 05:03 PM

Sorry Simone, did not see your question till this thread got revived. The three actors I mentioned all won acting oscars and all subequently appeared in Star Trek on TV. (Goldberg also has a cameo in the movie "Star Trek : Generations")I was responding to John's remark about why the Star Trek creators would expect a multi oscar winner to appear in the franchise?

In fact Whoopie Goldberg (who was a pretty big name at the time) and Louise Fletcher (Winner of Best Actress Oscar/BAFTA/Golden Globe awards for "One Flew Over the Cukoo's Nest")had semi regular roles in the TV programs.

Incidently at least four of the Star Trek movies (2,4,6 & First Contact) are very good films. The last two were most definitely not though.

Posted by: Morbius at February 6, 2006 12:49 PM