January 13, 2006

Tim Robbins To Direct 1984?

Tim RobbinsI am a HUGE Tim Robbins fan. Forget about his politics or causes or anything else like that... the man is MASTER actor. I first took real notice of him almost 14 years ago in The Player. Then caught him again in The Hudsucker Proxy... and after that he really showed his stuff with one of the best performances by a lead actor EVER in film... playing Andy Dufresne in The Shawshank Redemption.

Now Tim Robbins is talking about the possibilities of directing a new film version of the George Orwell classic 1984. The good folks over at Empire give us the following:

But if Tim Robbins has his way, there’ll soon be a brand-new movie version coming our way.

Robbins is currently directing a stage version of the novel for his LA theatre troupe, The Actors’ Gang. That runs until April 8, but when we spoke to him yesterday, he told us that he doesn’t want the 1984 experience to end there.

“I’ve got a screenplay of it,” he told us (presumably written by Michael Gene Sullivan, who adapted the novel for The Actors’ Gang). “And now I’m starting the process of trying to put it together.”

Count me in. The only other film I saw that Robbins directed was Dead Man Walking... a fantastic film that holds an astounding 91% over at Rotten Tomatoes. Great book, in the hands of a guy with some proven directing ability... yeah, I'm in for it.

Posted by John Campea at January 13, 2006 11:49 AM


This sounds great. I just hope he doesn't take the political message to the extreme. The book can speak for itself.

Posted by: arjcandyman [TypeKey Profile Page] at January 13, 2006 12:09 PM

Hey arjcandyman,

I know what you're saying. I think Robbins will be in a no-win situation as far as that goes though. The book in and of itself is pretty powerful politically... so a lot of people who don't know any better will probably blame him for that.

Hope I'm wrong.

Posted by: John Campea at January 13, 2006 12:12 PM

plus, john, he'll be under pressure from those on the left to go political (and anti U.S. government ) with this movie.

i love Robins, but i cringe at this idea. 1984 isnt meant to be directed AT a politician , and that is the direction i'm sure this will take. It is meant as an idealistic word of WARNING to all who put their hands in an absolute power.

Robins is a machine. Acting talent coupled with political focus. The man has my respect. But i am very worried about this film.

I apologize for the wealth of politics in my comments. I dont aim to do so... but i just feel compelled to comment on things that hit me like this.... I sincerely hope that if this comes to fruition that it lives up to Orwell's masterful and ominous book, and that it will be, over all, entertaining.

who did the previous version? i can't remember to save my LIFE...

Posted by: mogulus at January 15, 2006 07:03 AM