January 11, 2006

The New World pulled from cinemas and recut

TerenceMalick.jpgAmazingly the Director of The New World pulled the movie from cinema screens after it had been released only a few days saying it needed more editing.

According to IMDB he cut seventeen minutes from the movie and it will be re-released on January the 20th. That's a lot of minutes.

Director Terrence Malick withdrew latest film The New World from cinema screens just days after its release because he was convinced it needed more editing. The bizarre recall came just nine days after the historical drama made its debut in U.S. movie houses, but Malick is confident his cuts will be beneficial.

I think that's got to be the most last minute edits I've ever heard of! Okay, technically it was past the point of no return, but still. Betchya Farrell wishes he could do that with some of his other film ventures...oh, he just did.

Posted by at January 11, 2006 07:18 AM


This is a total non-story. New Line wanted to get the movie into theaters for one week in 2005 in order to qualify it for the Oscars. Malick wasn't really ready, so he provided a "temporary" version of the film that was released in NY and LA for a limited run. That version was never meant to be the one that would play in wide release. Furthermore, there will be a true "Director's Cut" released on DVD that is even longer.

This story makes it seem like Malick was horrified by the version that came out, so then he pulled it. Not true at all.

Posted by: JoJo at January 11, 2006 10:31 AM