January 02, 2006

Superman Returns entire plot details

SupermanLogo.jpgThe silence around Superman Returns has been defeaning, until now. A source has revealed the entire plot details with majorly huge spoilers.

Now, straight up I'll tell you that I have not read this story, and I don't want to, I'm staying clear, but I'll leave you the links for you to go check out if you're interested. Again though, the warnings from JoBlo are that the spoilers are HUGE, so go there only if you want spoilers. Oh, and before you get the link to the story a reminder, no spoilers in the comments please, try and keep your references vague.

Okay, the revelations are over at IESB, read them at your peril.

Posted by at January 2, 2006 08:14 PM


wow...just checked out the spoilers...im very sad at the direction this movie is taking.

Posted by: antonio at January 2, 2006 11:06 PM

Well, since we are the subject of spoilers lets run threw the list shall we.
[Removed - Richard]

Did I miss anything?
[Yes, consideration for your fellow reader. Normally I wouldn't have been so harsh because most of these are known spoilers, except for the Potter one. Those of us (me included) who haven't read the books would be a tad annoyed at that.]

Posted by: frankwolftown at January 2, 2006 11:56 PM

I just read a little bit to get the idea of the next movie, and the direction they are taking the film is perfect. I hope this movie is fantastic.

Posted by: Russell at January 3, 2006 02:22 AM

Guys, this movie is a train wreak. A complete train wreak.

Posted by: Rob Merritt at January 3, 2006 07:05 AM

WWWWHHHAAATTT!!! So this is another sequel, Superman 5? It just picks up where the others left off? Am I the only one who hated lex from the earlier movies? he was fat and wore a toupe and was just an annoying businessman.are they are doing the same in this? man, by the title of the film i thought it might be similar to Batman Bagins. it will suck horrendously. Bryan Singer is now on my most hated list. leaving X Men and now making a turd like Superman returns- dispicable.

Posted by: Brian at January 3, 2006 03:34 PM

If this is another sequel does that mean that Zod and his budies will come back? All they did was fall into somke.

P.S. Way to go Wolftown.

Posted by: Alfredo at January 3, 2006 09:15 PM

Sounds allright to me. The Donner films weren't perfect, but they're a good stepping stone for a modern Superman film.

Just keep in mind that it could have been much, MUCH worse. Check this out: http://www.agonybooth.com/forum/topic2730.htm

Posted by: -+=h_m=+- at January 4, 2006 02:06 AM

The execution of the plot should be very exciting!

Posted by: Simone at January 4, 2006 09:54 AM

Does anyone have the plot that was revealed at http://iesb.net/wb2005/010206.php? The site has taken down the information and I can't find it now.

Posted by: Mike at February 4, 2006 10:04 PM