January 16, 2006

Superhero reality TV

StanLeeSuperheroes.jpgThis has to be the bizarrest thing I've heard in quite some time. Stan Lee and Sci-Fi Channel are producing a Superhero reality TV show where you compete to be your own Superhero!

Yes, bizarre as it may sound, here's the news from Superherohype through Cinematical

...a six-episode, one-hour weekly competition reality series that will challenge a lucky few...with competitions designed to test their true superhero abilities. It's not all just leaping tall buildings in a single bound, a true Superhero will be tested for courage, integrity, self-sacrifice, compassion and resourcefulness...

...The winner of this six-week competition will walk away with their superhero immortalized in a new comic book created by Stan Lee himself!

This is either going to be genius television or a complete disaster. Actually my money is on the latter already, except I can see the casting calls making for some great television as people turn up in costume explaining (and perhaps demonstrating) what their special powers are...oh lord. How bad could this be? What would you turn up as?

Posted by at January 16, 2006 04:05 PM


whoever deleted my last post can suck my dick! I conceded that JLO isn't bankable. She isn't in the league of Sander, Hanks and Roberts.
Sorry i'm going to beat the dead horse some more.

Face it John, you don't know your box office info as well as i do. you slipped up with your Christopher Lee argument, and said Will Ferell didn't have any huge hits (HELLO? ELF? 170 million?). Your definition of bankable isn't specific enough. You need to add more to it, or change it a little. The person has to be one of the leads (NOT an ensemble.. OCean's Eleven?? LOTR??), and he has to be THE reason why people went to watch the movie. DID anyone go watch Ocean's Eleven because of Brad Pitt? Again that is a hard thing to answer.

So John, Please give me your list of all the actors you consider bankable. So that we can see what 'bankable' means for you.

Posted by: jack at January 16, 2006 04:43 PM

Jack, what the hell are you talking about? Firstly your comment has nothing to do with this post, secondly it's not even written by John, it's by me. Lastly, I certainly didn't delete any comments from this post...

...now, back on topic.

Posted by: Richard Brunton at January 16, 2006 05:11 PM

On the one hand, I'm totally against this whole "reality TV" business. On the other hand, this could be a great kind of reality-TV version of "Mystery Men" which was fun in parts.

Posted by: zibalatz at January 16, 2006 10:13 PM

Didnt chanel 4 in the UK already do something like this

Posted by: pendragon00 at January 17, 2006 03:48 AM


Posted by: pendragon00 at January 17, 2006 08:01 AM