January 13, 2006

Spiderman 4 confirmed?

SpiderMan2_2face.jpgThere's some eagle eyed people out there, and the sharp folks at Cinematical have perhaps found out the news that there is going to be a Spiderman 4 for definite.

From company information for Hasbro from New Ratings comes this little gem:

In a research note published yesterday, the analysts mention that the company has signed a five-year license agreement with Marvel for $205 million, $100 of which would be paid upon the closure of the deal and the rest when the two Spiderman movies are released. The agreement will commence in late-2006...

Sharp eyes indeed, did you catch that? "when the two Spiderman movies are released" and that commences late this year. Doesn't that suggest two more movies from where we are now, 3 and 4?

Posted by at January 13, 2006 03:20 PM


Me and some nephew of mine are glad. We want like 20 or 30 Spiderman movies in the next years.

Yes, yes!!!

Posted by: Peter at January 13, 2006 04:00 PM

Now this makes sense. If both 3 and 4 go back to back, Venom could be a cliffhanger of 3 (Sandman, Harry Goblin being the baddies) and return for 4.

But I would rather have Lizard in 4.

Posted by: darren seeley at January 13, 2006 04:06 PM

I'm very glad of the possibility for a back-to-back sequels in 2006. But I do have some concern if it happens.

This year, Peter Jackson plans to do a sequel/remake of Son of Kong. And since the movie is too big to fit in one film, the plan is to divide them into 2 movies (one in summer, the other in winter).

Though I am looking forward to both franchises, my problem is that the same thing happened with The Matrix three years ago. I may like the sequels, and they did a decent job at the box-office, but they were a bit of a let-down to the mainstream audience. Since the movies didn't live up to its (lack of a better term) major hype, and didn't really redeem itself the the 3rd cause of no plot twist, I am a bit worried that it could haunt anyone else who are planning to do the same.

The Matrix may be a good franchise, but I feel that nothing really caught up to the same feeling that the first film had.

But there is always a second chance, so hopefully Sam Raimi and Peter Jackson could be successful for pulling two sequels in one year. (And sorry if I offened any Matrix fans.)

Posted by: Gerald at January 14, 2006 02:16 AM

Already saw it coming.

Posted by: Don S at January 16, 2006 02:44 AM

Didn't Sony say a few years ago that they planned on making like 8 films?

Posted by: adam at January 16, 2006 05:11 PM

Actually, they have planned for six films. However, reports say that Sam Raimi may not direct after the third or fourth movie unless he can renew his contract.

Posted by: The 1mperfex Collector at January 19, 2006 01:05 AM

a cliff hanger with venom would be good but id kinda like to have mysterio and the the second green goblin in spider-man 4

Posted by: bob at February 12, 2006 06:50 PM