January 11, 2006

Sky TV launches movie downloads

StaringatComputerScreen.jpgSky has just announced their new Sky by Broadband service which aims to offer hundreds of movies from their Sky Movies back catalogue over the Internet...and what's more, it's free.

Well, not entirely. The BBC are carrying the story and it's unfortunately not really free. You really do need to be a Sky satellite subscriber to begin with as your digital card number is required, and that includes subscription to at least two "premium" channels. Oh, okay, so even more limited then?

Sky by Broadband provides 200 films free to digital subscribers, although they must have a broadband connection and a PC using Microsoft Windows XP.

The company says it hopes to supply more than 1,000 films from Sky Movies' back catalogue through broadband.

Sky Sports subscribers will also be able to download sports clips through the broadband service.

Sounds good though, I can just see it already. A little trade in the online accounts from those who subscribe and don't want the online service to those who don't have Sky and would like to watch the movies. There could be a little earner in there!

Posted by at January 11, 2006 07:15 AM


ref sky movie downloads.I have downloaded a movie but cannot put it onto a cd sky do not allow this looking for ways around this with not much sucsess
skys q and answer page says it can only be played on the computer it was downloaded to.

Posted by: steve yates at February 1, 2006 05:01 AM