January 18, 2006

Singleton makes new Clancy movie

TomClancy-WithoutRemorse.jpgThe next Tom Clancy book to make the big screen will be Without Remorse and is set to be directed by John Singleton.

You may not know that this has already attempted to make it to the big screen but was dropped in pre-production in 1995. Not such a good track record, but with Singleton on board it looks more promising.

This story isn't about Jack Ryan, it's his cohort who was most recognisably played by Willem Dafoe in Clear and Present Danger. According to Moviehole Singleton is after a young, athletic actor for the part. Oh, and may I suggest another key feature would be acting ability?

"Clancy is one of the best-selling authors of all time, but a lot of people don't understand that there's also a whole population of people who know Clancy from the video game world (through his 'Splinter Cell' games)," said Singleton, who sees the film appealing to both demographics.

I don't know if that sniffs at a positive or negative, but in the current world of poor videogame adaptions perhaps it's better not to make any comparisons or mention of that media in connection with your movie!

Posted by at January 18, 2006 04:25 AM


I thought Rainbow Six and Splinter Cell were next up? Are we talking just books that aren't best selling games on this one or what? Both games have best selling books to back them up.

At this point I am really looking forward to Rainbow Six. I mean I have heard Without Remorse is great and Splinter Cell has potential, proven by the book based on it that hit top ten on the NY Times Best Seller list in its debut, but Rainbow Six seems like it has the most potential with the potential rising star in Zack Snyder directing, along with John Clark and Ding Chavez.

I mean Clark and Chavez, compared to just Clark. I'll take Rainbow Six if it is done right. Yeah Clark will be old, so just bring back Dafoe and give us a good Chavez.

Posted by: Al at January 18, 2006 05:23 AM

Willem Dafoe was a poor choice for role of the Clark. Now I really like Dafoe the actor, he is awesome, but when your read the books he just doesn't fit the role of the supreme bad-@ss SEAL that Clark is. Liev Schreiber who also played Clark in the Sum of All Fears was a better fit. It'll be interesting if they choose to modernize the setting of the story since the book takes place during the Vietnam era. For this movie Singleton is actually a pretty good choice considering of all the inner-city stuff that goes down in the story.

Posted by: dumb kid at January 18, 2006 10:36 AM

God help us if he's going to target the video game crowd with this one.


Posted by: Screen Rant at January 18, 2006 05:09 PM