January 12, 2006

Prince of Persia from Bruckheimer

PrinceofPersia.jpgI totally missed this one on Jerry Bruckheimer list of projects, but it appears that he has a videogame movie in the works called Prince of Persia: Sands of Time.

Now I'm starting to think here that we have more and more videogame projects kicking off from people with proven track records - Halo, Silent Hill, any more? - and now Bruckheimer says in an interview with Coming Soon, he speaks of some upcoming projects, all of which we know about...except I missed this one...

Then we have a thing called 'Prince of Persia,' which is a big video game, that we're considering doing...Those are the things that are pretty close. I'm under contract for Disney, so they have right of first refusal on all our projects."

Okay, so not quite there, but I can see it being made and I can see high production values and big effects...

Posted by at January 12, 2006 04:31 AM


I think the idea kicks some serious ass. I have the game and of course I'm a big fan. The funny thing is that a few weeks ago, I was thinking to myself "Why don't they make a movie of 'Prince Of Persia: Sands of Time' the video game."

And *Pooofff*...it is being considered. I very much hope they go for it. Already, I can't wait to see the damn thing...

Posted by: TM at January 12, 2006 09:39 AM

I had the exact same feeling a few month ago and posted it even on this movieblog. Prince of Persia would make a solid adventure-action blockbuster. And if Bruckheimer is the producer, then there won't be a Uwe Boll-like director involved. I am hoping for Steven Spielberg.

Posted by: dave at January 12, 2006 10:47 AM

I hope your kidding about Spielberg. I just don't see that happening, especially with Bruckheimer producing. It would be clash of the egos.

Anyway, I think this movie, but more so the Halo or even the Silent Hill movies are going to prove once and for all that given the proper amount of talent, and the proper use of a property, video game movies don't have to suck. I think there's a Splinter Cell movie revving up too. I'd still love to see a Metal Gear Solid movie. Series even. Snake Eater would make a fantastic movie IMO.

Posted by: Stuka at January 12, 2006 12:04 PM

You're right, there's Splinter Cell, MGS (although way down the line compared to even these rumours) and a Rainbow Six.

Posted by: Richard Brunton at January 12, 2006 12:50 PM

Depp for Prince


Posted by: Rynndar at January 12, 2006 06:09 PM

Man, if they made "Dead or Alive 4" into a game, I'd pay any price. That game gives me a pup tent 100 percent of the time, everytime.

Posted by: Fredo Teabaggins at January 12, 2006 07:28 PM

I wonder if John Campea is ready to admit that he was wrong about a top director NEVER taking on a game to movie project yet. It must be clear by now that it will happen more and more often until no action film at all is made without an accompanying game.
John has been right a bit too often lately and you know how he gets when he's right. Come on John, admit you may be mistaken!!!

Posted by: matlot at January 13, 2006 04:04 AM

Spielberg-Bruckheimer would be a wet dream of mine for this movie. But of course I don't see DreamWorks collaborating with the "enemy". But a director that could bring scale to this project is Ridley Scott, and he already worked with Jerry.

If you see what movies like 'Lara Croft' make at the box-office, I can smell the the succes of movies like 'Prince of Persia'. If director, producer and screenwriter are right for the job, this could be great. Of course, there is a lot of work to do on dialogue and development of story and conflict. But done right, this could be an Indiana Jones-like summer blockbuster, far better then any Lara Croft flick.

Posted by: dave at January 13, 2006 08:09 AM