January 16, 2006

Pang Brothers Re-Cycle Trailer

Pang-Recycle.jpgThe Pang Brothers were responsible for the excellent The Eye and are hard at work on the US movie The Messengers. Now, out of nowhere, comes a link for a teaser for another of their movies called Re-Cycle, and as teasers go this is bizarre.

From Twitchcomes the link to the Re-Cycle site. They also have the direct links to the teaser, here's the large Quicktime, 25Mb. However you might be better heading over and grabbing a smaller size as the download is incredibly slow.

Once you get the teaser though you'll be confused...I was. I have no idea what it's about but the visuals look really engaging, and if The Eye is anything to go by it'll be freaky indeed. Here's how HKfilmart describe it:

After drafting the first chapter of her new novel, Ghost’s Land, successful author Chu Xun stops writing and even deletes the file which contains the draft from her computer. Later she begins to see things, including a woman who appears repeatedly, which cannot be explained.

Posted by at January 16, 2006 04:14 PM


The trailer looks fantastic. I'm not really a big Pang Bros. fan that trailer convinced me to give them another chance.

Posted by: Stuka at January 17, 2006 04:29 PM