January 11, 2006

Omen 666 first picture online

Omen666-Still.jpgI had feared for this project...and I think my fears are coming true after looking at the first picture of the new Omen child.

Have a look at the photo at Moviesonline and see what you think. I think he's far from scary and looks more sullen and sulky, if not just a tad bored!

Maybe I'm wrong, maybe they have captured the look, but I have serious reservations as to whether they will capture the feel of the originals.

Posted by at January 11, 2006 01:44 PM


This proves what I've always felt: Kids are not scary. Sometimes movie makers like to put kids in horror films and put circles under their eyes have them talk slow and scream loud, the problem is none of that makes them scary. Not even the zombie kids from 28 days later and Resident Evil II. I saw them thought to my self. Kick the crap out of those kids they're small! The only kid that was scary in a movie is Linda Blair and that's it.

Posted by: Alfredo at January 11, 2006 02:25 PM

Woooo scary. Please give him some sweets before he starts crying, AntiChrist I think not. Another crappy remake to look forward to.

Posted by: Weezy at January 11, 2006 02:31 PM

Now, don't go rush off to judgement. Personally, I find that haircut extremely scary.

Posted by: Alan at January 11, 2006 04:31 PM

Uh...may I ask one question?

Did anyone find the kid from the original film scary?
It was the story concerning the Antichrist to be, the haunting music, and other factors, such as the acting. To get worked up over one still that shows the new Damien and say "he isn't scary" is missing the point. He isn't supposed to look scary.

Posted by: darren seeley at January 11, 2006 09:47 PM

Actually, yeah. I think he's supposed to look scary. Or at the very least creepy. Or unsettling. We're supposed to understand already who he is and why we should fear him. There's a built-in familiarity and the filmmakers are supposed to try to evoke an emotion in us - and yes, if they're adept filmmakers, they can do that using only one still.

I think the greater question really is, "why exactly do they have to remake this movie?" Oh, right - so a "new generation" can experience it. Because Hollywood logic like this creates movies of such high quality (I'm talking to you, "Longest Yard" and "Bad News Bears").

Posted by: Alan at January 11, 2006 10:54 PM

Yes, Alan, there was no real reason to remake this.

I actually liked most of the remake of Longest Yard, until I was taken out of the film when they just had to have for no reason an unfunny cameo from Rob Schidner

Still, the first Omen kid wasn't "scary"- just his orgins. Now, when folks fall off stairways and the kid gives an expressionless face...

Forget it. You're right. There was no need to remake the damn thing.

Posted by: darren seeley at January 12, 2006 12:19 AM

Geez Darren, do you argue with everything...scratch that, you'll argue.

Yes, I found the original kid creepy, hence the implications in the post.

Posted by: Richard Brunton at January 12, 2006 02:45 AM

I am a big scary /horror movie fan and i actually think that the omen movies are one of the best scary movies ever made.i was surprised they didn't re-make it sooner or that there was no movie after the last one.these movies have alot of truth in them and if you like movies with alittle bit of story and not just killing these are great.

Posted by: kc at January 30, 2006 05:10 PM