January 02, 2006

No Bana for Hulk 2

Seems that my dreams for a Hulk 2 with Eric Bana are going on life support. Yes, I admit that I am one of the few people (even around The Movie Blog) who actually really enjoyed the first Hulk film. No, it wasn't what people were expecting... but that can SOMETIMES be a good thing.

So right now there are 2 conflicting reports (depending on who you listen to). On the one hand there's Marvel, who is insisting that there will indeed be a Hulk 2. As a matter of fact, according to the good folks over at MovieHole, Big Boss Man Avi Arad of Marvel recently just said the following:

Marvel’s Avi Arad said recently that a “Hulk 2” would be more adventure-ridden and less-psychological drama, something the first film was criticised widely for. “It’s going to be Hulk-lite,” he said. “It’ll be the end of movie one, the beginning of movie two. Now he’s come to terms with his life and who he is and we can let him be now Hulk the hero.
So for the time being, there IS going to be a Hulk 2. The 2 big questions that still exist are 1) Is it going to have Eric Bana in it... and 2) will it just be direct to video?

On the Bana issue, Eric (who is becoming a major A-List star, and deservedly so) says that he's not in any kind of talk to appear in a Hulk 2 and doesn't seem to have any interest in becoming the big green guy again. Shame.

What I find interesting is that the studios will usually sign the actors in these kinds of movies to a 2 or 3 picture deal just in case they get a hit and decide to do more of the franchise. I guess they didn't have enough foresight to lock a talent like Bana up for a multi-picture deal. Our loss.

I still think someone else could lead in The Hulk 2... but not having a great talent like Eric Bana in the lead role is a real loss for the franchise for sure.

Posted by John Campea at January 2, 2006 02:09 PM


i'm not bothered about seeing hulk 2 didn't like the first one

Posted by: Chris Rushworth at January 2, 2006 04:39 PM

Fact: Bana is contractually obligated to Hulk 2 if Universal give it the nod. He's stated this before several times. He's waiting for the call. If Universal does not Marvel gets the rights back and makes it themselves. Hulk 2 will happen and Bana while under contract should not be downtalking the film especially since it's the one that made him a star worldwide.

Posted by: Marvel_Demon at January 2, 2006 04:42 PM

Yeah, I didn't think much of The Hulk, either. Of course, I think Eric Bana is a terrible actor, so that may play into it. Oh, and I think Ang Lee is one of the most overrated directors working today. That might have something to do with it, too. Hard to say. ;-)

Posted by: R. Jackson at January 2, 2006 04:46 PM

If Bana is under contract, that's one thing. If there is zero action on the sequel at this time, Bana, Jennifer Connelly and Sam Elliot get no phone calls frm thier agents to clear the calandar, so they go to work on other projects. It's that simple.

There's also a strong possibility Bana will at least be Oscar nominated. This possibility would up his price in negotations and, if he should win even then some.

No director has been named- and it won't be Ang Lee. Now, Arad can say what he wants about the psyche of the Hulk; while I would love to see Hulk go up against a revised version of say, Abomination, the only thing I don't want to see from the first film is the daring 'picture in picture' idea. This causes distraction, and attention away from the characters and conflict. Other than that, Lee's film was fine.

If Bana says no, recast.
It's not like he will need the character to fall back on.

Posted by: darren seeley at January 2, 2006 07:02 PM

the hell with bana replace him with clive owen.

Posted by: antonio at January 2, 2006 11:14 PM

Ok so it's not the most popular opinion, but I'm with John on this, I liked the Hulk.

I'd even go so far as to say it was the best of the bunch of superhero flicks apart from Batman Begins. A proper grown up take on the whole "Hulk Smash" schtick.

I'm a big Bana fan and a bigger Ang Lee fan so I would be very dissappointed if either was missing for Hulk 2. That said I'm painfully aware that it did not go down well so my hopes are not high for the sequel if it ever happens.

I can't see Lee signing up for a sequel which is fair enough but recasting the lead would really ruin it for me. But with Munich putting Bana in the big league now that seems depressingly likely.

Hey ho, roll on Superman returns.

Posted by: Randall P at January 3, 2006 06:00 AM

Bana getting an oscar doesn't mean squat. He's under contract. Don't you understand this? If Universal doesn't give him a call and the movie doesn't get made real damn quick the rights expire. When the rights expire Marvel makes the movie themselves and keeps all the money. The Hulk made huge money as a franchise when the film was released with 250 million coming from Hulk hands, several video games, and a top selling DVD. You're talking over a billion in revenue not to mention TV rights.

So Hulk 2 will be made, it won't be a direct to DVD release either. Now LGF will be likely annoucing a Hulk Animated Film along with their Avengers, Iron Man, and Dr. Strange films they're making but that's a separate deal all together and not to be confused as Moviehole and other sites have put words in Eric Bana and studio heads collective mouths.

Hulk 2 will be made though it's possible Bana might not be involved. Is it up to Bana...at this point not at all.

Posted by: Marvel_Demon at January 3, 2006 06:51 PM

Hey Marvel Demon,

Just out of curiosity... where does it say that Bana is under contract? Can you point me to an authoritative source that actually says that?



Posted by: John Campea at January 3, 2006 06:58 PM

^^^When Bana signed on he signed on for a multi-picture deal. The source? Eric himself has said this many times after Hulk was released, and Marvel signs everyone to 3 pic deals that are main actors with few exceptions. That doesn't mean the films have to be made and the rights don't last forever. It's just an option.

I did however find some new reliable info that says Eric Bana is "free" from his obligation to play the Hulk role...even though at this time he might very well still be under contract. What's likely going on is Eric's schedule is full of movies right now and Universal has NOT contacted him to make Hulk 2 yet or given him a start date...so he has no window of time for Hulk 2 before Universals rights expire. After learning this new info I'm 100% certain that Eric Bana will not be back. But he was in fact initially signed to a multi-pic deal. Just do some research yourself and look at the old newstories and interviews with Eric Bana that happened right before and right after Hulk came out. When 1st weekend #'s came out he made the statement several times that he's under contract and if he gets the call he'll be there. It's too late now. The film cannot be made in time.

By the way this does not mean Hulk 2 is not coming out it'll just have to be recast and if the rights go back to Marel expect The Hulk to be in the Avengers live action film schedule under Marvel personally financed slate.

Posted by: marvel_demon at January 4, 2006 06:12 PM