January 16, 2006

New Superman pictures online

SupermanReturns-BrandonRouth.jpgPerhaps it's just me but I'm not really brimming with excitement over Superman Returns as much as the majority are, and for those of you who are, here are nineteen new pictures from the set.

Through dtheatre and on calendarlive, there's a few more of Spacey looking Luthor-esque, and they do give a nice feel to how the movie is going to look, but no more excitement for me. I just think there's been too much information on this movie and not enough to keep us guessing. Mind you, that is a fine line for me, Bond rumours anyone? I mean resorting to rumours about digitally reducing his willy onscreen...

Are you still excited for this film, or are you a bit over saturated like myself?

Posted by at January 16, 2006 03:09 AM


I consider myself lucky to have not made it to a certain site before the total and ultimate spoiler was ripped down and taken offline. I only know what i read on here, and all i know so far is:

The director is a good one, the actors seem capable and well cast, and, shots of the movie i've seen all look good...

so yeah i'm still excited. : )

Posted by: mogulus at January 16, 2006 04:41 AM

This is to Doug:

On the Calender Live site,picture 4 of 19, you will see superman to the left of the photo in a side view. HIS PACKAGE IS HUGE!!

Posted by: Elliott at January 16, 2006 11:32 AM

This is the one I was talking about before.

roth !!

Brunton - you are in the Great White North in a few days, giddy up.

Posted by: Doug Nagy at January 16, 2006 12:08 PM

It's very sad that the studio - particular that Bryan Singer - has decided to taket he low road in promoting this film.

To purport that Routh's penis and balls were too big for the camera is not only false and grossly exagerrated, but if it WERE true that they used some sort of special technique to remove them digitally from the film, WHY is he releasing pictures showing this huge package all over the internet?

Because that's the BEST positive publicity he's going to get for this film!

With every new release of Brandon Routh as superman in a STILL shot, more and more you can tell that they are doing their best to convince you that he looks like Christopher Reeve. IN fact, they make upped the poor guy so much that not only is he CLEARLY wearing foundation in one of the shots in these calendar photos, but he's ALSO WEARING EYELINER!!

In addition, look at any REGULAR shot of routh - he does NOT have clearly defined cheek bones in ANY candid shot. Yet, mysteriously, he has these amazing features in EVERY SHOT AS SUPERMAN! That's MAKEUP my friends!

Finally, notice how we're NEVER given a shot of him facing the camera standing next to anyone. Why is that? Why are they either always in the foreground or background? We DID get one shot of him close up but he wasn't FACING the camera - he was facing the person he was standing next to - Lois Lane.

The reason is because he's really not as big as you people believe him to be.

I wouldn't call this oversaturation. I would call this deceptive marketing. The fact that Routh is in this costume disturbs me, but I am still willing to watch the movie since it is Superman. But I have a very bad feeling we're going to get a bad love story, a story about "coming out of the closet" (the same way he did with X-men" and a story about searching for ones roots (Which apparently he does when he leaves for Krypton)

Oh well. I can't have it all. But at least give me someone who LOOKS the role without having to ADD A BODY SUIT and heavy makeup! Jesus!

Posted by: SpideyFan at January 16, 2006 07:30 PM

As I've said before, I'm not especially excited about this film. I feel as if I should be, but nothing has sparked my interest. I'm hoping it'll be good. The two positive things about this movie is 1. Singer and 2. Spacey ....oh, and special mention to Ms. Posey! Everything else I hope will fall into place.

Posted by: Meli at January 16, 2006 10:59 PM