January 10, 2006

More Spiderman spoilers?

jamesfranco.jpgIn a recent interview James Franco and Kirsten Dunst have let out a few hints at what we should be expecting from Spiderman.

From VH1 come the slips...

"The second film suggests that I'm going to a dark place," the ruggedly handsome, grinning actor admitted. "I think people will be a little bit surprised about what happens."...

..."I think we have ... I'm going to say two and a half bad guys," the actress sometimes known as Mary Jane Watson revealed to MTV News in September. "Because I think one of them is resurrected. But yeah, two and a half bad guys, I think, about in this movie."

"She probably shouldn't have said that," Franco smiled uneasily, shaking his head. "She actually got into some trouble for that. I think she got into trouble for revealing that, so I probably shouldn't repeat that mistake."...

"I don't know if it will wrap up," Franco offered, admitting that "Spidey 3" looks like it could be Harry's last hurrah. "But the character definitely goes to interesting places."...

..."We shot scenes that will go in the movie," the star revealed. "They're shooting them early because they're literally inventing effects. So they need to give the effects team time to get up to speed."..."I don't know. I can't really talk about that," Franco grinned uneasily. "In the other films, I did plenty of wire work and green screen."

Oooh, there are lot's of titbits in there. Villians, Harry's last outing, going in a surprise direction, and loads of special effects?...Who knows...Harry as the Venom? Calm down everyone, I just plucked that out of the air. Would you care to speculate about what any of this could point to?

Posted by at January 10, 2006 07:41 AM


(Sort of potential spoiler here, but just conjecture)

Isn't harry meant to be the green goblin as well? If they're following spidey-verse, that is...


Posted by: ghani at January 10, 2006 09:03 AM

2 1/2 bad guys seems to be the thing that should not have been mentioned, a resurrection also mentioned....hmmm could William Dafoe be the 1/2 in Harrys head?

I too am reaching, but I like William Dafoe.


Posted by: SmotPoker at January 10, 2006 09:22 AM

Wow, I already knew this stuff like 5 months ago. No big whoop. Harry will probably NOT be a goblin. it sounds like Willem Defoe will return as the Green Goblin in Harry's insane head. Then he'll probably go insane and/or die. Venom and Sandman are the others(duh).

Posted by: Brian at January 10, 2006 10:13 AM

the "half" refers to venom!!

thnk about it geniuses!

you will have sand man, plus the goblin again, and then there is the the whole story of spiderman having the new black suit, and how he falls out with it and how it ultimately takes hold of eddie brock (is that his name)

so will the film be long enough to deal with all of peter parker, peter parker and mary jane's romance, sandman, goblin (although to be fair not a lot has to be done there sonsidering how the film ended...)
and the new suit and the downfall of eddie brock? again still not sure that that is his real name.....

doubtful, hence two and a half vilains!

Posted by: simon cleminson at January 10, 2006 11:07 AM

the "half" refers to venom!!

thnk about it geniuses!

you will have sand man, plus the goblin again, and then there is the the whole story of spiderman having the new black suit, and how he falls out with it and how it ultimately takes hold of eddie brock (is that his name)

so will the film be long enough to deal with all of peter parker, peter parker and mary jane's romance, sandman, goblin (although to be fair not a lot has to be done there considering how the second film ended...)
and the new suit and the downfall of eddie brock? again still not sure that that is his real name.....

doubtful, hence two and a half vilains!

Posted by: simon cleminson at January 10, 2006 11:07 AM

See, this is what bothers me. I understand working up anticipation for a film, but when cast and crew start running their mouths this way, all it does is work fans into a tizzy and promote debate within the internet. He could be lying. I try not to pay this stuff any mind. I'd rather he said something concrete or nothing at all.

Posted by: nOva at January 10, 2006 06:18 PM

I agree with you 100% on this nOva.

A few days ago...

From IESB:
Today during the junket for Tristan and Isolde, the IESB was able to ask James Franco a few questions regarding reprising his role of Harry Osborn in the Spidey sequel.

While it is common knowledge that Spiderman 3 has started filming some early special effects scenes in multiple cities throughout the country, principal photography has still yet to begin.

The entire cast and crew of Spiderman is on a very strict gag order. Most recently Kirsten Dunst got herself into a little bit of trouble when she revealed that two of the villains were indeed Venom and Sandman to online outlet Zap2it.com.

Knowing that our intention of getting a few questions answered might be a bit difficult we still pressed on.

First during an exclusive video interview that we had with both Sophia Myles and James Franco we asked if the cast had already done script reading in which he answered "yes.”

He also mentioned that principal filming will begin next week. The big question that most fan boys want to know is if Harry will indeed get to wear his daddy's armor and become the dreaded Hob Goblin.

The question could not be direct so I decided more of an approach of asking if we where going to see Harry a bit more in a villainous way.

He decided not answer and instead he simply shrugged his shoulders and smiled.

While our roundtable reporter asked him a few minutes later if we are going to see him in more action scenes in Spiderman 3 he simply answered “yeah.”

So all indications are that Spiderman will indeed have his hands full in his next adventure, not only having to battle Sandman and venom but also with the Hob Goblin.

Say what?

If there's one thing I hate is when 'net reporters come to strange conclusions such as this. I couldn't even tell you how such a leap could be made. Yes, we know his character's comic book history (well,EISB doesn't-they keep calling him HobGoblin) but when the actor says 'oh, I'll be in more action scenes that doesn't mean he's going to play the next Goblin. It's bad enough when an actor or filmmaker does an interview and has his/her words twisted around. But when they don't come right out and say what 'people want to hear' than that 'automatically' means there's something to it?

Now Dunst says '2 1/2'- no, it is either 2 or 3. Or it means that one of the characters becomes more of an anti-hero at the end (Sandman eventually turned to a hero for hire; Venom became The Lethal Protector. Storywise, Harry could become Goblin II...but trying to be a hero only to have it backfire)

Way I understnd it in regards to Venom it might g closer to the Ultimates orgin.

Posted by: darren seeley at January 10, 2006 07:45 PM

If the third starts to take a turn into the Ultimate universe I am definetly done. The half refers to Harry Osborn, he's torn between choosing his friendship with Peter or avenging his father.

I don't think the "half" would refer to Venom because Eddie Brock is Peter's biggest rival both before and after the symbiotic powers. I'm having trouble wrapping my head around every possible thing that could happen in this one, and would it dive into a fourth which is being shoot alongside the third? *shakes head*

Sandman, Venom, Hobgoblin, and possibly Lizard. I hope the promotional pictures of the villans come out soon.

Posted by: lizardfreak12 at January 10, 2006 09:44 PM


Since when was Venom a HALF a villain?

Cleary Kirsten Dunst said "TWO AND A HALF because I THINK ONE OF THEM GETS RESSURECCTED" that CLEARLY means that the HALF villain is the one who gets resurrected, because we've ALREADY SEEN HIM.

If Venom or Eddie Brock is in this movie, honestly, at this point, I really don't care. I was adamant about it for a while because I really wanted to see Raimi handle it but the more I think about it, how much more of an interesting movie would it be if Harry thought about resurrecting his father.... :)

Posted by: SpideyFan at January 11, 2006 12:46 AM

The half villian is either the green goblin or venom. Sandman will be the main villian in the movie. The secondary will probaly be green goblin. Now I heard rumors that they are filming two possible spiderman films at once. Meaning that the half villian could strongly be Venom. Eddie Brock will probaly recieve a small role in the film. And close to the end of the film, the symbiotic costume will wonder from Parker to Brock, leaving us with the conclusion that there will be a Spiderman 4. Giving the half character a big role in the fourth installment.

Now as of William Defoe returning as the green goblin, there's a strong chance. Someone quoted earlier that Harry will try and resurect his father. That's also a strong possibility. They'll probaly show that Harry never put his father in the grave. His body is probaly in some tube in Oscorp. Harry's probaly going to create a chemical to resurect him.
Hey now that just a thought. And trust me if Norman Osborn were to return, that may be the best way to do it without us going, "This movie is garbage."
So if you can, just let me know if this is a pretty descent statement.

Posted by: Don S at January 11, 2006 02:18 PM

Another thing, Jonah Jameson son was brought up in Spiderman 2. Remember his son was the one who went on a space journey and return with the syboitic creature on his space shuttle.
So venom's a strong chance.

Posted by: Don S at January 11, 2006 02:21 PM

In addition to Jameson Jr's space flight (which we assume brings the symbiot alien to earth) we also see him make an inhumanly possible jump as he runs to MaryJane near the end of Spiderman 2.

Really, go watch it again. He leaps vertically like 15 ft.

No one else noticed this?

Posted by: Rodney at January 12, 2006 12:14 AM