January 11, 2006

Lucky Slevin trailer

LuckySlevin.jpgI forgot about this title when I was thinking about movies to catch this year, and with Morgan Freeman, Bruce Willis, Ben Kingsley, Stanely Tucci and Lucy Liu in it I could hit myself for doing so. Never mind though, the trailer is now online.

Through dtheatre it's playing at Rope of Silicon. Head there, watch it, come back and let us know what you thought.

Not the best of quality and it looks a little confusing in the edit, I did say a little, but there's some interesting styles, funny lines and it does look most interesting. Freeman swearing has a strange power to it...you just would not mess with that guy.

Posted by at January 11, 2006 02:04 PM


is this like a "snatch" thing or what?

Posted by: Marla Singer at January 11, 2006 03:28 PM

Possibly, however since we haven't seen it yet, this has the possibility of being good!

Posted by: Richard Brunton at January 11, 2006 04:32 PM