January 05, 2006

Jon Stewart To Host The Oscars

John Stewart is Hosting the Oscars this year. I didn't see this one coming. I think Stewart will do a FANTASTIC job as host of the Oscars. The man is absolutely hilarious yet dignified, has massive amounts of respect from all across the spectrum and is a huge name in the entertainment industry. Overall I'd have to say that apart from the fact that I was really wanting to see Steve Martin host the show again... Jon Stewart is a pretty damn fine choice to host the Oscars.

But... there is one little problem that I have with this. I have said before that I would MUCH rather have someone who is primarily known for having a FILM career to host the FILM industry's biggest evening. Yes, I thought Stewart was fantastic in Death To Smoochy (one of the most underrated comedies of all time), and he's been good in just about everything else he's been in... but let's face it... he's no "movie star".

So there you have it. Jon Stewart is hosting the Oscars. I would have rather seen a legitimate movie star do it... but aside from that I don't think they could have made a better choice. I'm surprised his name never popped into my head when thinking about potential hosts. This should be interesting.

Posted by John Campea at January 5, 2006 09:07 AM


While I enjoy Stewart's comedy I think his humor will not be understood by the old farts who goto the awards show. His humor is aimed at younger audiences and I do not think that is the right audience for the Academy Awards. I agree that a movie star should host the awards show.

Question is who would be a good host. Maybe a poll from your readers with some suggested names.

I know Billy Crystal did a good job when he was the host but not my ideal choice.

Posted by: Anthony Jones at January 5, 2006 09:31 AM

The fact that Stewarts comedy is aimed at younger crowds is exactly what the Academy wants. They want a younger audeince and they want more of them. Stewart is going to give them that.

Anyway, I have no problem with Stewart doing the job as opposed to a movie star. In the end you are looking for a guy that can be clean, but FUNNY. Who cares if he's funny on TV or funny in movies. I doubt people turned their noses up when Johnny Carson hosted the Oscars. You can't have Crystal and Martin all the time. It would get annoying. Some would say it already has.

Posted by: Stuka at January 5, 2006 11:11 AM

I think this is an absolute fine choice and it's a definite plus for the Oscars. I can't wait to see what he does on Oscar night.

Posted by: Meli at January 5, 2006 11:55 AM

this choice guarantees i'm going to watch....

Stewart is like the Chris Rock choice, but safer. Rock was chosen because he's quick witted and just plain funny, and overall that made him a good Oscars host. once. you wouldnt want his humor, which he DID actually target more to black people even though thats probably not the biggest oscar crowd... every year.

Jon Stewart is way more populist than he's given credit for. sure the youth turn in, but he has a very broad appeal and I'd wager money he's a complete success. his segment at the Emmy's went over HUGE with everyone and was the highlight of the night.

who gives a shit if he makes a lot of movies? I hate Whoopi Goldberg, but she actually was a good oscars host. she was in movies, but thats not really where her career came from, nor, despite Ghost, was she a career actress. for every 'sister act' theres a 'theodore rex'.

Posted by: Goon at January 5, 2006 12:38 PM

John, you're right when you say that Stewart is no "movie star", but that doesn't mean he hasn't done anything in film. He's best known for The Daily Show, of course, but he's also had a few roles in various movies. He's never had a big part, but seems content to just pop up every now and then, or stand in the background. He was in Death To Smoochy, The Faculty, Big Daddy, Half Baked, and Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back, for instance. He's the kind of guy who I think probably could become a major star if he wanted to, but just doesn't want to go in that direction with career. He's sorta someone like Steve Carrell (who was a Daily Show reporter), who until the 40 Year Old Virgin had a few minor roles in other movies, but nothing major.

Is he a major player in the film industry? No. But he's certainly a better choice than a lot of other potentials, and I think he'll do a great job.

Posted by: arjcandyman [TypeKey Profile Page] at January 5, 2006 12:40 PM

Goon sorta hit on the fact that he's quick witted, which is exactly right and why he'd make a great host. I saw Stewart do stand up a few months back and the banter with the audience was even funnier than his routines. The guy is sharp and hilarious, and I'll be tuning in for the first time in years. Good choice.

Posted by: Billy Holiday at January 5, 2006 01:56 PM

The guy is funny as hell and I think it's a good choice. To be honest, I'd be watching no matter who they chose to host.

It'll be interesting to see if Stewart is up to the task of making movie jokes and what not, and leave the politics behind. I seriously doubt it though; therefore he'll probably alienate half his audience.


Posted by: Drewbacca at January 5, 2006 02:04 PM

John Stewart is hosting? Who is he and what does JON Stewart have to say about this?

Please forgive me and it's easy since you don't know me. I'm just being a slight smart ass.:)

Posted by: Jane at January 5, 2006 10:25 PM

John Stewart is a great choice...I think he'll do a great job, he's quick, funny as hell and he does attract a different audience.
I'd still like to see Robin Williams and Martin Short do it in the future though...maybe 2007 and 2008!!! :)

Posted by: Leeanne at January 6, 2006 10:15 PM

correct me if i'm wrong, but the main point to look for in a host, is someone who'd make a good host. as result, someone who does regular hosting, sh/would be a likely choice. movie career should have nothing to do with it john. yes it would be nice to get soemone who can do both, but it's not the be-all and end-all, and nor should it be.

Posted by: psych at January 8, 2006 10:20 PM