January 07, 2006

Jackman talks X-Men 3 and Wolverine

HughJackman.jpgWe've talked already about Patrick Stewart bigging up X-Men 3, well now Hugh Jackman is at it.

From Entertainment Weekly through Coming Soon has a short interview with him, the crux is below.

Will fans of the comic book be satisfied -- especially since Bratt Ratner is new to the franchise? Oh, yeah. There's a lot of things we really tried to get in 1 and 2 which -- I don't mean to be blunt -- were just real expensive and we couldn't get them in until 1 and 2 were so successful. So there's some sequences there that the fans -- if you go to that midnight screening on the first night, they'll just be going ballistic. There's some specific choreography, famous fighting moves, that we use in this movie that we haven't been able to do before...

...Trust me. No decision is made without considering the history of each character.

Well that's comforting, two major stars of the franchise are saying it's big, is it time to start getting excited? He also goes on to talk about the Wolverine spin off.

We're actually working on a script...I may be biased, but I think there's so much still to be mined, still to be learned from that [character]. I think it will stand up to a feature-length movie. And we've had some really amazing interests from some great filmmakers and great writers also really intrigued by the character.

I am starting to think that Ratner could be about to prove his worth on X-Men 3 and that it's not going to be the franchise killer that we all began to worry it might be. On the Wolverine movie front though, I'm not so sure if he would hold up a movie on his own, doesn't he need some other X-Men onscreen with him?

Posted by at January 7, 2006 08:07 PM


start getting excited?.. i've been excited for x-men 3 since I've seen the end credits for 2...until this franchise starts suckin` it up like batman, then im all for it... only 2 movies that top this one is Batman Begins... Again?.. and SpiderMan 3.

Posted by: Ray` at January 8, 2006 12:35 AM

With all these praises from the actors and having the trailer not dissapoint me, i've actually grown from fearing that X-3 will SUCK ass to X-3 will KICK ass. So i'm filled with all sorts of excitment, i mean just last night I threw up confetti and ballons.

Posted by: lizardfreak12 at January 8, 2006 11:16 AM

My optimism is slowly emerging...

Posted by: CW1985 at January 8, 2006 12:21 PM

yyyyuuuuuuuuuuummmmmmmm.....Hugh Jackman
I was looking forward to this since X2 as well, for obvious reasons of course! :)

Posted by: Leeanne at January 8, 2006 05:38 PM

As for a Wolverine movie, there is precedent in the comic books arena. Besides being a a driving character for sales for Marvel, Wolverine has had a single-character spin-off comic book which definitely saw its part in sales and interest.

And there is a WEALTH of unmined material from X-Men and Wolverine comics for a single-character movie. What I would hope is that they play with the plotline regarding Wolverine's age. In the comics, a "side-effect" of his healing power is the idea that he doesn't age very well... in that he doesn't age much at all. In the comics, he's easily over 80 years old, but due to his memory loss, he isn't aware of this. So while his discovering the past always leads him to the hidden military base where his adamantium skeleton was grafted to his bones, he's little aware that he had fought in World War I or II, for instance.

Posted by: Joshua at January 9, 2006 12:18 PM

**On the Wolverine movie front though, I'm not so sure if he would hold up a movie on his own, doesn't he need some other X-Men onscreen with him?**

This is a statement obviously made by someone who never read the comics. Wolverine in the X-Men is like Batman in the Justice League. Fine, they're cool next to other heroes but they really shine when they are on their own handling things their own way.

Wolverine is a real comic book character in that he's got a backstory, he's mysterious, he's a bit crazy but he's a real hero. So a proper wolverine solo movie would be tons of action, tons of story and tons of blood and "SNIKT".

Posted by: Cole at January 9, 2006 10:30 PM

"There's some specific choreography, famous fighting moves, that we use in this movie that we haven't been able to do before..." Fastball Special, anybody?

Posted by: -+=h_m=+- at January 9, 2006 10:52 PM

"This is a statement obviously made by someone who never read the comics."

I love it when people just make rash, snap judgements on someone based on computer typefaced words.

WRONG. Avid comic reader, odd graphic novel nowadays, big X-Men fan of all flavours.

A comic is miles apart from a movie, as the adaptations have proved. You can condense so much more into a few panels than you can screen exposition. Plus with a comic you are direct to the fanbase, with a movie you are on a general audience and forced to make profit over anything else, there's much more artistic integrity in comics and graphic novels.

The studios know that they have to appeal to that general audience and that means explaining backstory, etc because their audience cannot be guaranteed to be comic fans.

These things change a lot when they are creating a movie based on one character who has so far only been successful onscreen with an ensemble cast. So I still stand by that statement.

Posted by: Richard Brunton at January 10, 2006 01:47 PM