January 19, 2006

Indiana Jones 4 Deadline

What true movie fan doesn't want to see one last adventure for Indiana Jones? Let's face it... we all do. But this thing has been dragging on so long that it's getting silly. Yes, Harrison Ford is 63, but I think the idea of telling a story of an aging Indiana Jones has a LOT of possibilities for interesting story telling. And you put Lucas and Spielberg together... man... I think it would be fantastic.

Having said that... Ford is 63 and not getting any younger. For years now we've been hearing "we're almost there! We're almost there!" only to still be sitting here in 2006 with no set production date. The clock is ticking.

No one knows this better than Harrison Ford (who hasn't done a decent film since Air Force One 9 years ago). So now it looks like Ford is speaking up. Ford is still sounding very optimistic about the whole thing... but seems to be putting a deadline on it at the same time. The good folks at Movie Hole give us this:

Harrison Ford has told George Lucas and Steven Spielberg that if they don’t get “Indiana Jones 4” off-the-ground next year - they can find themselves a new man to wear ‘the hat’. The 63-year-old tells Contact Music that, “It's looking very good to do another one. I haven't felt this positive about it happening in a long time... but if it doesn't happen in the next two years we should all forget it."
No one wants to see an Indiana Jones 4 more than I do... but I've got to agree with Harrison on this one. If they don't get something firm and in serious motion within the next 2 years (when Ford will be 65), it might be best just to announce they're letting it go. But man I really hope they get their collective asses moving on this one.

Posted by John Campea at January 19, 2006 11:20 AM


i will refuse to watch a Indiana Jones without Ford, taht's for sure

Posted by: hi at January 19, 2006 11:48 AM

I'm with Harrison Ford on this one. Sure, it would be great to see one last new Indy movie (a franchise I personally hold in higher regard than Star Wars), but at the rate this movie is materializing, it might end up being Indiana Jones and the Curse of the Walker.

Get on with it, or end it.

Posted by: Stuka at January 19, 2006 11:50 AM

Franchises which are resurrected after a 10 year+ Hiatus invariable suck...Don't do to Indiana Jones what Lucas did to Star Wars...

I have ZERO interest in this, and I love the original three Jones movies. Ford is too old, and I have no interest in a younger person taking up the Hat and Whip...Please folks, move along....

Posted by: Triflic at January 19, 2006 12:32 PM

I have never been more excited about any Indy news after watching the trilogy again recently; I bought the DVD boxset on sale during the holidays).

I heard that a working title was already in place, one possible title is "Indiana Jones and The Lost Continent", and it will be set in the 50's and that Lucas has been pretty busy working on it.


Posted by: Simone at January 19, 2006 12:34 PM

I hope they don't make it about atlantis. That would be stealing the plotline from an early 90s PC game intitled "Indiana Jones and The Fate of Atlantis". they gotta get this off soon. Please George, please. i'm begging you!

Posted by: Brian at January 19, 2006 03:41 PM

The sooner Indy happens, the better.


Posted by: Jon at January 20, 2006 01:50 PM

Oh dear lord. I've been following the Indiana Jones 4 rumors for five years now, and they've gone through what must be 89038402938 screenplays. At one point, they had attached a 2006 release date on it. I don't think it's ever going to happen, though I would be beyond excited if it does. Hope it doesn't suck. Though I am getting tired of all the old people jokes every time this is mentioned.

Posted by: Ginny at January 20, 2006 04:28 PM

I think that a 4th Indiana Jones would give Ford a good opportunity to round out his career, and to fulfill the Indiana Jones Legacy. These movies will surely become classics with their award-winning uniqueness!

Posted by: Carmen Electra at January 22, 2006 11:01 AM

An older Indie might seem to be a good idea but you do realise that all hollywood is going to do with it is make him say 'im getting to old for this' all the time

Posted by: pendragon00 at January 25, 2006 03:55 AM