January 19, 2006

Hulk 2 Not Direct To Video

I've mentioned before that I LOVED the first Hulk film. I thought it was thoughtful and character driven... which was kind of refreshing from the pure action driven comic model (don't get me wrong, I like my action driven comic movies too!). Yes, it had some weaknesses, but overall I thought it was a great film.

Now there has been word going around that there is in fact going to be a Hulk 2... but that it may be a direct to dvd offering. Well, the good folks over at AICN have put that rumour to sleep and give us the following:

Just got off the phone with Avi Arad - literally right after his assistant said, "I've got Avi Arad for you," and Avi said, "Hello," I said - "Avi, you're not doing a direct to video HULK sequel are you?" And we started laughing. I've no doubt that Latauro heard what he heard, but man... If you know Avi Arad - he 100% loves THE HULK. He's incredibly proud of the film, the performances and the direction. And frankly - this is one of the ones where Avi and I see eye to eye - which isn't a given by any means.
So apparently Hulk 2 is a go! Marvel is going to produce it themselves and have Universal distribute it. To me this is great news. Will they get Connley and Banna back? I still don't know... but honestly I think the story of The Hulk is strong enough that it wouldn't be a problem to go on without them.

Not to mention, it's already been said that any new Hulk project would be a lot more "Hulk Smash" and a lot less "I'm struggling with my inner conflicts", which should keep most comic genre fans happy. Go Hulk Go!

Posted by John Campea at January 19, 2006 11:32 AM


You may be the only living man to have enjoyed "The Hulk." I had high hopes, but it left me sleepy.

Posted by: Fredo Teabaggins at January 19, 2006 02:21 PM

Wow, there are two of us that are excited to read this news. I loved the first movie.

Posted by: Tayster at January 19, 2006 05:34 PM

Is told that Mr. Fox Duchovny could be Bruce Banner.
Is told here http://www.cinemablend.com/new.php?id=2080

Posted by: Fringe at January 20, 2006 11:08 AM

Loved the first movie even though I find the comic character uninteresting.

More than the first Spiderman movie, which *exactly* met my expectations, and felt like the comic, not surpassed them like The Hulk did.

Most people who hated it for the angst and the direction are the same people who complain that movies don't have enough character development and directors aren't willing to take risks (yes, I know someone will jump in and say making the film look more like a comic was not a risk).

The funniest criticism was Eric Bana's acting not being quite right. Hello, he was playing someone who had been genetically interfered with and who was not human. Almost as funny as people walking out of Sin City not understanding it was more than one story.

I'd be surprised if any of the original cast or crew come back for seconds. Being savaged by critics and movie-goers for not making a safe, middle of the road movie, ensures they won't try something like that again.

Posted by: darkbhudda at January 25, 2006 06:16 AM

I've been a hulk fan ever since I was 6. I'm now 44yrs old
I also loved the hulk movie and can't wait for the sequel.
I saw Part(1) 6 times and get an adrenaline rush every time i watch it.
Why not hulk 2? if they can make a B.S. wimpy romantic Spiderman sequel why not the hulk the mightest superhero of all.

Posted by: dennis at February 15, 2006 12:39 PM