January 04, 2006

Hostel Reviews

The Hostel reviews are coming in... and man they look far better than I anticipated. Right from the first time I saw the Hostel trailer I thought it looked scary as hell... but so do all horror trailers, so I didn't really think too much about it. But them came the Hostel clips online, the second trailer, and now the Hostel reviews. Now it's official, I'm excited to see this hacker flick.

As of right now, Hostel has a 89% rating on Rotten Tomatoes. That's an impressive starting number. I expect that number to go down a little (just because of the type of film it is) but this is still nothing but good news for horror fans. Here's what some of the critics have to say:

"If you're fascinated with butcher work and chopped up corpses, this is the movie for you."

"A horrifying excursion into a nightmarish world few of us would ever want to experience firsthand"
Edward Douglas, COMINGSOON.NET

"One of the best horror movie since Craven's Scream!"
Stefan Birgir Stefansson, SBS.IS

"A gory, bloody, disgusting good time."

So there you have it. From the sounds of the Hostel reviews a horror fan really couldn't ask for more. Take a date... she'll be in your lap in 10 minutes :)

Posted by John Campea at January 4, 2006 10:26 AM


Well, I'm glad to see it's getting good reviews. Every horror movie that comes out now seems to get blasted by every critic in the nation and gets nominated for razzies even though they aren't terribly bad. Maybe this will be different...

Posted by: Brian at January 4, 2006 12:09 PM

Take a date and she'll probably leave you for being a twisted sicko, lol!

Posted by: Stuart @ Cinema Blend at January 4, 2006 02:30 PM

What's the entertainment value in seeing human beings tortured, mutilated and killed in multiple ways with ever-evolving depravity? I don't get it.

"There is a role for violence in film, but what the hell is the purpose of this sadistic celebration of pain and cruelty?"

Roger Ebert on Wolf Creek

Posted by: chark hammis at January 4, 2006 02:51 PM

Well, I saw an interview, i forget of whom, but he said that people like violence in film because it's not real and you know the actors aren't really dead...something like that. i'm sure i could go in an indepth study of the human psyche and spark a huge debate, but that's not the purpose of the site...

Posted by: Brian at January 4, 2006 03:59 PM

I agree wholeheartily with Chark. This film is stupid. It's the studios and their minions cashing in on the "Saw" franchise. Lame.

Posted by: Fredo Teabaggins at January 4, 2006 05:29 PM

John John John....tisk...I'm going to pretend I didn't see that last little insert of a line.
I thought you were better than that :) encouraging guys to have girls in their laps at a movie...:p

Posted by: Leeanne at January 4, 2006 06:34 PM

"I don't get it."

Well, unless you're getting paid to watch something you don't want to see (like Roger Ebert), don't watch it, then.

Posted by: James Russell at January 5, 2006 03:38 AM

You know, I still haven't got what this movie is about. So far I gather 3 guys go to a place for hookers and blow and end up getting tortured and killed. Is that what this is about?

Posted by: Rob Merritt at January 5, 2006 11:06 AM

"Well, unless you're getting paid to watch... don't watch it then."

Thanks for the trite advice, James. I don't plan on watching it.

All I'm asking is, why are you?

Posted by: chark hammis at January 5, 2006 01:57 PM

I feel like "It's official- too many people are insane". I don't get it either and I resent the fact that Eli Roth chooses to make films like this that are consumed by the masses- it made $20 million!!!! In a world waging war upon war, in a country that wages war upon war- where real people get tortured everyday- this snotty Bostonian uses his art to increase darkness and evil on this planet and call it art in the form of film. I don't like slasher films -like Mel Gibson's depiction of Christ- I didn't see that one and I won't see Hostel. It angers me that people get off on this sick stuff. Don't waste your money on this one, avoid exposing yourself directly to toxic art. Tarantino and Roth- congratulations on making the world a worse place and enjoying the profits!!

Posted by: Mary Lou at January 8, 2006 02:55 PM

Personally i think you guys are crazy, i loved the movie lol... and all you guys are saying "o blah blah blah this is making the world a worse place?" you guys should know the story behind it first.. Eli Roth read on the internet of a place in that area that used to pay people to kill another human being becuase they wanted to show people how it actully felt to kill someone.. this film isnt him just wanted profits, its showing how good we have it here in the United States and how lucky we are that we dont have that kind of shit going on in our area. And plus, if every movie was all positive and joyful, the movie theatre would be boring. You have to put a twist in there once here and there.

Posted by: mikeyb at January 8, 2006 04:42 PM

This was a horrible movie. I thought it would be something like Saw. It was just sex, boobs, puke and no story. Don't waste your money!

Posted by: Amy at January 9, 2006 05:36 PM

well lets see; my expectations of this movie - were too high!

I was more frightened before I watched it. Yeah, gruesome parts in some areas but personally it's more of a porn flic than anything. A lot of nudity and sex so! The first 45 min sex, sex and more bare breasts... People were actually laughing in some areas - thought it was a horror film??? Needless to say, I wasn't satisfied nor do I recommend watching it..My only recommendation is save your 7$ and spend it on something worth it! The previews are good but the movie just simply doesn't live up to it. And this coming from someone who scares easily.. Very disappointing..

Posted by: kristy at January 10, 2006 10:45 PM

The movie was pretty good kind of reminded me of the disturbing movie Audtion.

Posted by: Jack at January 11, 2006 12:47 AM

This movie is a huge waste of money. It was nothing like the previews, half of the movie was sex, wasn't a scary movie, didn't have a story line, 3 guys appear in the beginning and all you know is that their in Amsterdam, and their looking for sex, and have sex through the whole movie. I was so furious when I saw it, it was not a scary movie, it was legal porn. A total ripoff.

Posted by: SamanthaS at January 14, 2006 07:47 PM

Everyone should turn him in for false promotion in this film, it's a porno for goofy smut readers, not a scary movie. The whole movie is just sex. Tarantino should lose his right to make movies if everyone complains about it.

Posted by: Cathy at January 14, 2006 07:52 PM

This is easily the best horror movie to come out in years. This blows away the cheesy movies like Ring, Grudge and all the rest in this genre. This has a realistic edge and it creepy enough to make you believe places like that actually exist in this world (and the research I have done indicated they DO!!!!). I have not seen an equal horror movie since Devils Rejects.

Posted by: Kai Hansen at January 15, 2006 03:53 PM

If you people would have investigated the film a little further, before being part of the conformist, general movie goers, you'd have realized the underlying meaning of the film...Our freedom in America; we live in a democracy, where the people choose how this country is ran...Hostel is just a depiction of how lucky you idiots really are

Posted by: Barker at January 25, 2006 01:11 PM