January 11, 2006

Hostel 2

Hostel 2 is going to be coming out way in about a year. Surprised? You shouldn't be. It's basic math really. When a film only costs $4.8 million dollars to make, and then make over $21 million on it's opening weekend... then that equals SEQUEL in just about any language.

The word on the street is that Lions Gate is already lining up Hostel director Eli Roth to do the sequel... and they want it done FAST to capitalism on the curent popularity of the project. The good folks over at Cinema Blend give us the following:

Taking a cue from Lions Gate’s other big-money horror franchise Saw, their plan is to release the next edition a year after the first. So expect it around January next year.
As I said in my review of Hostel in a previous Audio Edition, the film is disturbing... VERY disturbing... but it accomplishes what all horror movie set out to do. Scare you. That's what people go to horror films for. To feel scared and yet safe at the same time. Hostel delivers that.

I'm not really sure how you can do another Hostel without it feeling silly or "done" already. I guess we'll see.

Posted by John Campea at January 11, 2006 10:30 AM


If they can somehow make it funnier than the first Hostel, than I am totally there. That shit was hilarious.

Granted next time, I hope they get to the gore faster.

Posted by: Ryan at January 11, 2006 10:33 AM

Saw both Hostel and Bloodrayne.... it's just amazing that Hostel is number one at boxoffice because it was just as complete total carbage as was Bloodrayne....
It just shows you what marketing can do. Using Tarantino name etc. ....

Movie itself wasn't worth a pile of shit.....

Posted by: fdssdfsd at January 11, 2006 10:52 AM

I still can't believe how much you guys went on about the violence of this movie in the Audio Edition. This movie is like Barefoot in the Park next to Ichi the Killer*, whose director, Takashi Miike, had a cameo in Hostel (the "watch out, you could spend all your money in there" guy). Or about a dozen other movies out of South Asia for that matter. Hell, even France topped the gore in this movie with High Tension. Hostel built literally no tension at all and so the violence had very little weight or feeling of significance for me. And it would seem the rest of the audience shared my feelings as there was more laughter than anything coming from the crowd. If you want gore, see the two movies I mentioned earlier (or most any Takashi Miike film for that matter). If you want a movie that will disturb you, I can think of few better than Irreversible. Hostel is good if you want to laugh and see some Eastern European titties.

Anyway, I think a sequel is a really stupid idea. I can see why the studio wants it though.

* For the record, I think Ichi the Killer is a horribly stupid movie. The gore is fine by me but everything else is so God-awful about it, I can't undersand why people like it so much. I guess most horror fans only want two things out of a movie: blood and cum.

Posted by: Stuka at January 11, 2006 09:26 PM

4 million, eh? what's uwe boll got to say about this?

Posted by: mogulus at January 11, 2006 11:54 PM

I would never have considered Ichi a horror film, but hey that is me. It could be the fact that it is not scary or a horror film, but I am just guessing.

* For the record, Ichi the Killer rocks ass. And Hostel was not bad.

Posted by: Ryan at January 12, 2006 10:13 AM

John Campea: Exactly what did you think was "scary" in this movie? I thought it was completely UN-scary. Did it have some gore? Sure. But gory does not equal scary. I think the meanings of those words have been confused by most horror movie makers these days.

Posted by: JoJo at January 12, 2006 10:34 AM

Hey JoJo,

No, Gore does not equal scary. But many people also mistake "BOO!" for scary.

When gore is properly used as a tool to instill a sense of fear into an audience... then THAT is what I define as "scary" in this situation. Maybe you're experience was different... but a quick look around the packed theater I was sitting in revealed just about everyone in there felt that sense of fear while watching Hostel.

No... no monsters JUMPED out of the shadows and went "rrraaaaaaa!!", but the film (in my opinion) was scary (by the above definition).

Posted by: John Campea at January 12, 2006 10:40 AM


Maybe horror isn't the right word for Ichi, but it's not completely off the mark. Is it a drama? Not really. Comedy? Some people seem to think so, but I don't qualify 'laughably bad' as comedy, personally. Is it a thriller? Certainly not for me. I was bored to tears. Romance? Hardly. Then what? Unless you want to get into sub-genres, Horror is the best overal category for Ichi I would say. Unless someone wants to make a 'Horrible' genre category.

Posted by: Stuka at January 12, 2006 11:43 AM

On an unrelated note, isn't it funny that theater owners will pull "Brokeback Mountain" from screenings, but digustingly violent films like "Hostel" get ample screen time. Violence good. Love and sex, bad. I think it's lame. Now, with that said, I don't want to go fudgepack some cowboy, but you get my drift.

Posted by: Fredo Teabaggins at January 12, 2006 07:26 PM

(from the dictionary of the Mogulai.)

Scarry: anything that makes you cringe, avert your eyes, jump out of your seat, wince or want to leave the theatre... skin crawling is a sure sign of this.

If you werent freaked by Hostel, you should quit eating your neighbor's children and watch some martha stewart.

Posted by: mogulus at January 13, 2006 03:04 AM

Nie som si isty, ci je to pre Slovensko vacsia reklama ako hanba, ale v kazdom pripade je film slaby. Okrem peknych Sloveniek tu na pozeranie nic moc nie je, ale co... sak stupidnym amikom to staci, nie? Heh America, where is fuck America!

Posted by: Mr. Slovakia at January 25, 2006 06:56 AM