January 04, 2006

He-Man's Skeletor Cast?

JohnGlover-Bald.jpgI actually thought that John Woo's He-Man movie had passed away, but it appears not, for the news is that Skeletor has been cast with the slightest whisper.

According to Contact Music through JoBlo it's John Glover he who played Lex Luthors' Dad in Smallville. They even point out that his IMDB profile lists him in the part, and it's the only part listed.

No sign of the Sex and the City guy in there, and the rumours were he was going to be He-Man himself, and he really does look the part.

Well Glover looks good enough to be Skeletor, and he's a fine actor...although let it be said a way too fine actor to play Skeletor in a He-Man movie, does he know something about this production that we don't? Oh, and is it still on the go, I really had thought this was dead.

Posted by at January 4, 2006 09:11 AM


Glover is the reason why I still watch Smallville. He just chews up any scene he is in.

Posted by: Rob Merritt at January 4, 2006 01:02 PM

I can't wait to see him in his perriwinkle fur underpants.

Posted by: chark hammis at January 4, 2006 06:22 PM

Skeletor! Finally! It's always a good sign that a movie has a chance of being made when the villian is cast! I'm sure John Woo WONT be involved but this sounds great!!!

Posted by: trysop at January 5, 2006 07:59 PM