January 04, 2006

Goblet of Fire deleted scenes

HarryPotter-GOF-Poster.jpgSurprisingly (sarcasm) there were some scenes that were removed from the screen version of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, but now eight of those scenes are rumoured to be returning to the movie on the DVD release.

The Potter site harrylatino.com has the news about the Gob of Fire release, through Digital Spy. Here are the scenes as they see them:

Scene 1: Dumbledore asks the Hogwarts students to receive the visiting students as best they can - they respond by singing the school song.

Scene 2: A girl accepts a Durmstrangs student's invitation to the Yule Ball.

Scene 3: Harry attempts to speak to Cho Chang, but her friends get in the way.

Scene 4: Flitwick introduce the Wyrd Sisters at the Yule Ball. The lead singer addresses the audience before launching into their performance.

Scene 5: Karkaroff speaks to Snape about the Dark Mark on his arm.

Scene 6: Barty Crouch speaks to Harry but quickly disappears when Mad-Eye Moody appears.

Scene 7: Harry, Ron and Hermione discuss the death of Crouch. Ron opines that the Prophet will not print the story, whilst Hermione reasons that his death and the strange goings on are not coincidental and urges him to speak to Dumbledore.

Scene 8: The trio talk about Karkarov's arm. Hermione asks Harry about the ingredients he supposedly stole from Snape, which she links to polyjuice potion.

I can't remember what audio commentary it was, but I heard a Director - oh yes, it was Rivières pourpres, Les (Crimson Rivers) which you should definitely see, review coming soon - say that deleted scenes were deleted for a good reason, usually that they slowed the narrative that the Director wanted to play out. I think that's something that can be easily seen from the list above, and that is coming from someone who has not read the books, just seen the movies.

Posted by at January 4, 2006 03:25 AM


To fill me in on the missing details, I have a friend who has read all the books, I'll just let my imagination run wild! She's still telling to read the books, but nah, I'd rather be told a story. ;-)

Posted by: Simone at January 4, 2006 11:23 AM