January 30, 2006

Doom In Fantstic Four 2

Dr. DoomI didn't love Fantastic Four. As a matter of fact it's a bad film... however I'd be lying if I didn't admit I had some fun watching it.

As we mentioned a couple of months back, Fantastic Four 2 has been green lit and is already in pre-production. There has been some speculation floating around about who the bad guy in the sequel will be. Well wonder no longer... It's Doom again. The good folks over at SuperHero Hype give us this:

Fantastic Four director Tim Story told Latino Review this weekend that Doom will indeed be back for the sequel:

Before I hopped on my ride to the airport back to NYC I asked him when does shooting start, Story replies, "August 1st up in Vancouver" And finally I asked Story that towards the end of the film it left wide open that Doom will be back, so will he? "Yes that I can tell you. He will be back in full DOOM, not like we had him in the first film."

So there you have it. Now, most people hated the Doom character in the first film... but I actually thought he had some great potential. Here's hoping they tap some of that better than they did in the first. He could be a fantastic screen villain... if used right.

Posted by John Campea at January 30, 2006 10:05 AM


Thta first movie was the worst "superhero" movie ever amde....
It was utter crap. Shame there's going to be another one...

Posted by: rrrrr at January 30, 2006 12:24 PM

I liked Fantastic Four, although I have to admit Doom was a bit weak. You're right though there is potential there. Lets hope they step him up in the next movie.

The worst superhero movie was infact Daredevil.

Posted by: SadSteve at January 30, 2006 01:14 PM

Congrats to Jessica Alba on her nomination!

Oh wait, I'm sorry. That was a razzie.

My bad.

Posted by: darren seeley at January 30, 2006 01:21 PM

Mrrr and SadSteve, I liked Fantastic Four and LOVED DareDevil. I thought the worst superhero movie ever was Steel. Yeah, you probably don't remember it, but it came out in 1997 and had Shaqueal O Neal starring in it. Anyway, the fact that doom will be in this makes me so happy. I was fearing we would have to deal with the mole man!

Posted by: Brian at January 30, 2006 02:06 PM

I already knew there was doom in FF2...oh the villian. nevermind.

Posted by: KellTrenzer at January 30, 2006 05:41 PM


Definitely have to agree with you on both points - 1. the movie sucked BUT at the same time: 2. I had fun watching it. The fun was created by The Thing and Human Torch, and that's because they're great actors. Not to talk anything away from Ioan Grufford, but seriously, he was a dry bland Mr. Fantastic. I would have liked to see him stretch a hell of a lot more, and not just to reach for toilet paper.

Anyway, that Doom is returning isn't an amazing revelation. I just hope this time he shows off a bit more of his abilities. The fact that he was defeated so quickly pissed me off big time.

In other news - SPIDERMAN 3! :0

Posted by: SpideyFan at January 30, 2006 05:50 PM