January 09, 2006

Clerks II teaser

Clerks2.jpgThe teaser for Clerks II is online now.

From View Askew the Production Company through JoBlo comes the link to the teaser. It's in Small and Large formats, embedded Quicktime.

Frankly I am in no position to comment on this movie, I haven't seen the first, and it does about as much for me as a paper bag over the head. Mind you, having just seen Season 4 of Alias I was smiling when I saw Marshall on there...

So, over to you guys, let's get some Clerks fans on the case, what do you think of it?

Posted by at January 9, 2006 04:42 PM


You have never seen the original Clerks, Richard? tut tut :p

I am a huge Smith fan and see the good and bad points in all his films, even the good points from jersey Girl *shudder*. As its a teaser it literally does just that teases me. I really really really want to see it now, not to mention the cool metal backing track :p

I am not sure how its going to pan out though, Smith will never be able to relive the original Clerks days but it looks a little less over the top than Jay and Silent Bob and funnier than Jersey Girl.

Man I wish I hadn't seen this now, damm teaser trailers getting me all excited :p

Posted by: Sam at January 9, 2006 05:24 PM

as a teaser i guess it's okay...

i'm still kinda sad that he is doing a clerks 2...he will never be able to top the original...

but we will have to wait and see...

Posted by: Cabbe at January 9, 2006 06:12 PM

I wish someone could explain to me why "Clerks" was considered to be a good movie. Usually bad acting, stupid dialogue and amateurish photography is undesirable. Right?

Posted by: Vin Measle at January 9, 2006 06:37 PM

Vin: Some people (me included) found it funny.

As for Clerks II, anyone who has seen the 'flying car' short on the Clerks X DVD knows that Dante and Randal still have that antagonistic chemistry after all these years. If Smith can stretch that out to 90 minutes, then I think Clerks II could be excellent. Dissapointed it's not in black and white though ;)

Posted by: Dom Dunc at January 9, 2006 06:43 PM

I'm pretty shocked to hear that you never saw CLERKS! Go out and rent it NOW. You'll like it.

But this begs the question: Did you ever watch Mallrats, Chasing Amy, Dogma or Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back?? if the answer is YES, then why didn't you bother to see clerks?! YIKES!

You need to watch this movie now...

I'm curious now - have you ever saw A CLOCKWORK ORANGE? If not, WHY DID YOU START THE MOVIE BLOG!

I kid, I kid. I love this movie blog - it's the best one out there ! But you seriously need to watch clerks!

Posted by: SpideyFan at January 9, 2006 07:46 PM

Someone up above asked why a movie like Clerk's with "bad acting, stupid dialogue and amateurish photography" is considered "good".

Let's analyze your statement:

What exactly does "good" mean? Does good mean that the opposite of all of your statements are true? Ok, fair enough. In order for a movie to be good in Measle's world, it requires that:

- You have great actors
- You have smart dialogue
- You have professional photography

Guess what - in your world, a movie like "Aeon Flux" would have been the perfect movie - great acting, great dialogue and great photography.

But why did the movie SUCK?

Poor plot, poor story telling, and an anti-climactic ending which begs the question: Why did I just watch this movie?

A movie like Clerks is a cult classic film that only a few will enjoy because of it's satirical nature and emphasis on dialogue and actually having to know a bit about Star Wars. It's the ultimate geek movie.

Get a clue.

Good is relative. And relatively speaking, Measle the Weasle should remove himself from his easle.

Posted by: Reply to Measle at January 9, 2006 07:58 PM

Looks interesting.

Am I the only one that's already tired of Rosario Dawson?

Posted by: yodaf at January 9, 2006 10:11 PM

Please don't tell me that the chick from Sin City is going to be involed with Randal or Dante. She's thousands of light year out their league even in a movie.

Posted by: Alfredo at January 9, 2006 11:24 PM

i think it looks a lot better than i expected. I like the moobys set, looks nice and bright. taking advantage of having colour this time.
the only thing is ... iseen randal working in this teaser ... when in the first clerks (besides ordering a huge amount of pornos and selling cigarettes to a 4-yerar-old) did anybody see randal working???
Anyway, i cant wait til it comes out, i think Kev has already said that it won't be called passion of the clerks, thats just a working title, which is good because its shithouse! but clerks 2 is fine by me ... looking forward to it.

PS. cameos by affleck & lee! GOLD!

Posted by: Koko at January 10, 2006 01:02 AM

Shut the fuck up.

Posted by: SaintLucifer at January 10, 2006 01:18 AM

All of the shit-talkers need to try their hand at making a movie. Besides...any movie that utilizes "Among the Living" has to fucking rock!

Posted by: Mr.Shlubb at January 10, 2006 11:01 AM

The teaser has my interest as well as the prospect of seeing the characters of Dante and Randall in a movie again! I hope the banter is just as good as it was in the first.

Posted by: Meli at January 10, 2006 12:10 PM

"But this begs the question: Did you ever watch Mallrats, Chasing Amy, Dogma or Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back?? if the answer is YES, then why didn't you bother to see clerks?! YIKES!"

Chasing Amy and Dogma, yes.

"I'm curious now - have you ever saw A CLOCKWORK ORANGE?"

I have, but what the hell has that movie to do with Clerks? They are two entirely different movies!


I didn't, John did. However just because I've not seen a few of your favourite movies does not mean I don't know movies!

"I kid, I kid. I love this movie blog - it's the best one out there ! But you seriously need to watch clerks!"

I think those comments are mutually exclusive. You can love the Movie Blog without me watching Clerks, surely!

"Aeon Flux" - Great acting and dialogue? mmmm.

Posted by: Richard Brunton at January 10, 2006 01:36 PM

I love Clerks. It's a weird brand of humor, but I love it. It was really unique, though I will admit that some of it is too amateur. Nevertheless, it's one of my favorite movies. I even liked Mallrats (well, it wasn't as bad as I had heard it was). I'm excited for Clerks II, even though I'm sure it will suck.

Posted by: Ginny at January 11, 2006 05:37 PM

I'm late on this, so probably this is more for me than anyone, but I had to ring in on what makes Clerks "good" as well.

There is no doubt that the acting is terrible, the cinematography lacking, and the overall look of the film leave something to be desired. But that's the point. Obviously Kevin Smith and no money with which to make this film, so he hired buddies and amateurs not just for the speaking roles, but for the behind the camera and below the line roles as well. And IN SPITE OF THAT, was able to write a script with funny enough dialogue (in my opinion anyway), one-liners, and classic scenes and characters that were able to outshine the limited budget he had to work with.

The thing about independent movies is that most people look at them, see that they don't stand up to studio projects "visually" and so immediately consider them unworthy when in reality they are almost always the better STORY and thus the better tale. It's just that they don't have Nicholas Cage or Angelina Jolie attached and so they didn't get the funding to tell their story the way they would have preferred.

But hey, "Gone in 60 Seconds" sure did look good.

Posted by: Richard (not Brunton) at January 12, 2006 09:50 AM





Posted by: Screen Rant at January 12, 2006 02:30 PM