January 18, 2006

Brandon Routh Talks Superman Vs. Batman

The good folks over at IESB go themselves a quick 5 minute chat with Superman himself, Mr. Brandon Routh at a Golden Globe after party. Man this guy looks like one happy dude! And why wouldn't he be? Apparently he was working at the "Lucky Strike" bowling alley when he go the role of a lifetime.

A couple of interesting things I got from the video:

1) Contrary to rumors, the dude does not appear to be gay (still dating the the gril from the bowling alley)

2) Actually did his first audition for the role for McG when he was still at the helm of the project

3) Gives a little more insight to Superman Vs. Batman project that IS in fact floating around out there.

It's a nice little interview with a kid I couldn't be happier for. You can check out the video interview with Brandon Routh here.

Posted by John Campea at January 18, 2006 11:08 AM



My favorite part of that short interview is when Routh responds to the Batman Vs. Superman question saying that he would have to read the script first because he personally thinks Superman should not fight Batman, and that they should be saving the world..uh.....lol......this dude needs some grounding, he is a meat puppet, not a Studio Exec, Producer, Director, Writer, Key Grip..yadda yadda yadda, he even alluded to being wrapped up in a long term contract, someone needs to tell this dude that if they want to cast him and Martian Manhunter together in a film and call it Brokeback Planet, its getting done, whether he likes it or not, lol, too funny.

Superman to Martian Manhunter, "I wish I could quit you!"


Posted by: SmotPoker at January 18, 2006 02:31 PM

He's "still dating the the *gril* from the bowling alley"?! The man may be well-endowed, but he's got some screwed-up sexual preferences!

Posted by: Darren Conley at January 19, 2006 06:45 AM