January 13, 2006

Batman rumours explode

Batman_Poster6.jpgRearrange these words please - salt, a, pinch, huge - thank you, now...Batman rumours have been going on for ages now, and this has to be the biggest yet. Forget the names you've heard so far, this one is big.

Moviehole have the rumour from some alleged inside source who gives us some very big clues to two possible villians.

She’d play a femme fatale. “This is the first screen appearance for this character in the Batman films and she has a very close connection with a major character in Nolan’s first Batman movie. She will be out for revenge against Bruce Wayne and Gotham in a major way. As of who the studio is looking at for this role, let’s just say that she is nominated for a SAG, a Golden Globe and is on her way to an Oscar nomination as well. She is also in fact five months pregnant and will be in tip top fighting shape once production begins to roll early next year but not before she throws a few coins in a fountain”.

That's number one, now there's speculation all over the place and the pregnancy ticket pulls the biggest speculation, Angelina Jolie and Rachel Weisz are both pregnant just now, and Weisz is looking good on the awards front. Who else could it be with those clues? Get guessing.

Then there's the Joker character...

“As you know, there are many actors who want the chance to do this character (The most requested Batman character next to Batman himself.) The studio is eyeing a major, major actor and Christopher Nolan himself is said to be just as excited as they are in nabbing him for the role. Who is he? Let’s just say that he has a major film coming out this summer and it’s a sequel to one of his biggest hits. In fact, his performance in the first movie was nominated for an Oscar. YES, they are looking at HIM if he is available for the role and rumor is that he might be interested depending on the script, which is being written right now”.

Woo...here's a nice thought...Johnny Depp? He would be pretty good for the part...who else could it be?

Posted by at January 13, 2006 03:25 PM


Hmmmm..... Depp as the Joker. Now that would be interesting. When I first heard that Depp was going to play a pirate, I thought, "That crazy." He pulled it off though. Quite well in fact. The joker? I dunno....Depp is a superb actor but is he "grisly" enough? The more I think about it, he could indeed play a twisted, cunning and vile person. I'd love to see Depp as the Joker.

Posted by: Cory at January 13, 2006 03:34 PM

About he woman i first thought it was Keira Knightley, but because of the pregnant thing it can't be her so it is most definitly Rachel Weisz. As for the role, well i am pretty sure it is Talia Al Ghul Ra's Al Ghuls daughter

Posted by: hi at January 13, 2006 03:35 PM

My thinking is this....

You take the "irky" weirdness of Depp in "Fear and Loathing" the creepiness of him in "Charlie and the Chocolate factory" and a splash of "Pirates" all together with his acting ability and there is your Joker.

Posted by: Cory at January 13, 2006 03:53 PM

I woud think it would have to be Rachel Weisz. She is in "The Fountain" this summer, and is pregnant. And i also think it does indeed have to be for the role of Talia Al Ghul. (The only female characters related to ANY character from the first movie would be Talia AlGhul and Barbara Gordon ((Gordon's daughter and future Batgirl)) and since Batgirl has appeared, albeit in the HORRIBLE Schumaker Batman, i guess it aint her. And why would Batgirl want "revenge" on Gotham???

And as far as the Depp Rumor... i never thought of him as the "Joker" type. I'm SURE he would do a great job. He is a very talented actor, i like him a lot. But, i would still prefer someone else as the Joker. (actually, i would prefer a previously unused Bat-villain, but it looks like Joker will be there...)

Posted by: Jim at January 13, 2006 04:49 PM

And by "related", i meant connected to. Not ACTUALLY related. (After re-reading my post i realized it may be misinterpreted.

Posted by: Jim at January 13, 2006 04:57 PM

So now you remove comments in TMB.

Interesting... well, Johnny Depp is an AWFUL choice as the Joker.

Erase this comment too, go go!!!

Posted by: Peter at January 13, 2006 05:19 PM

Depp would never have crossed my mind for playing the Joker, but now that the name is brought up I could totally see it and I think he'd do a fine job.

As for the female role - I don't think Angelina is 5 months yet, so my bet would be Rachel Weisz ...I would love if Talia was in the next Batman movie.

Posted by: Meli at January 13, 2006 05:19 PM

By the way, now that you have became CENSORS, at least make it easier to comment (as a favour to others), because there appear at least a thousand nasty pop-ups whenever one tries to give an opinion to this "opinion" site.

Now erase this comment, too.

Posted by: Peter at January 13, 2006 05:38 PM

Ehr maybe you didnt press the Post button, and thought you have posted it entirely? Because there are two options now, Preview and Post.

Now I am excited what you exactly posted! LOL

Posted by: Simone at January 13, 2006 06:14 PM

Peter before you start shouting about how hard done by you are and the world is against you perhaps you might get your facts right. I think Simone might have hit it on the head.

Since the last post went on this site from me I've been sitting eating my tea and quaffing a bottle of wine in front of the telly and no one has been deleting your comments.

The only reason they would have been is if they were full of spam, blatantly rude and inciteful, etc.

Anyway, I've been too busy getting drunk and not here vetting your comments. So perhaps you could stop multiple commenting and inventing your own personal vendetta and get back to the post at hand.

Honestly, I despair.

Posted by: Richard Brunton at January 13, 2006 06:43 PM

Yes there is a "post" option, Petey. That means to "put your comments on the message board". Preview, while starting with the same letter, here means "to check to see that I don't sound like a complete ass before finalizing my comments". I apologize on Peter's behalf to the staff of TMB for his unsightly error.

Posted by: KellTrenzer at January 13, 2006 06:59 PM

i cant see depp getting involved in the batman franchise

Posted by: Marla Singer at January 13, 2006 07:50 PM

Rich I had the same problem when the new options were introduced months ago now, I thought I lost a few posts I have made, then realised that it was because of the 2 options.

Going back to the topic, I may be leaning to Marla's point there, Depp, doesnt need the franchise.

Posted by: Simone at January 13, 2006 09:47 PM

They both sound good to me.
Donna A.

Posted by: Donna A. at January 13, 2006 10:33 PM

I must admit that

a) KellTrenzer is funny

b) Friday Night drinks and posting comments is not good at the same time.

Now, temba... at sleep.

Posted by: Peter at January 13, 2006 11:26 PM

Is Jennifer Garner still pregnant? Could it be her?

Posted by: JAGMIR at January 14, 2006 01:55 AM

and even if depp was remotely interested in what batmans about he would have done it with tim burton. its soo not johnny, he's not...he isnt that business. he doesnt play characters he creates them

Posted by: Marla Singer at January 14, 2006 02:43 AM

There you are Peter! Now if you actually post that again for our amusement? Friday night drinks, The Movie Blog, not a good combination really. *winks*

Youre spot on there Marla, that is exactly what Johnny is.

Posted by: Simone at January 14, 2006 05:32 AM

Depp came out of left field for me, and i can't really believe it yet, but Rich , you do have a knack for finding correct info.

I've never had a pop up on judymoodymovie.com and i've had some severe adware attacks in the past.

perhapse the guy needs stronger antiviruses?

Depp.... sigh... i dont know. I was still holding out for Bettany or Keaton, myself. lol

Posted by: mogulus at January 14, 2006 05:45 AM

Cheers Mogulus...I would think Moviehole wouldn't go out on such a limb with these rumours if they didn't trust the source...and looking at the choices they look like they could do the roles, and I do believe Depp would love the craziness of the character if he was given the graphic novel type Joker to play...

I know though, I would have loved Keaton for the role. Bettany would have been a good choice too.

Posted by: Richard Brunton at January 14, 2006 11:09 AM

I think Tom Cruise would be a good Joker, He's got a sick grin large nose and is overall very creepy. The Joker should be someone you love to hate. Look up Alex Ross's rendering of the Joker and you might see what I mean.

Posted by: Matty at January 14, 2006 12:41 PM

My first thought was Cruise too. He's got a huge sequel coming out this summer and he sure qualifies as a "majo major actor." I'm not sure he'd be good for this role though. Depp would be FRICKING AWESOME!"

For the female role, it couldn't be Angelina as she is not 5 months preganant is she? I think she just announced her pregnancy a few days ago. But she would be a good choice.


Posted by: Drewbacca at January 14, 2006 02:01 PM

Depp as joker would be the only reason i'd see the movie.

And I prefer angelina over rachel though rachel's a better actress.

Posted by: antonio at January 14, 2006 06:18 PM

i hate.... Johnny Depp. i know i'm in the minority, but i just find him a ham. for "Ed Wood" that works, and "fear and loathing" i guess too... but I just hate his acting style generally... for the Joker, maybe that would be okay...
but my current hate for him makes me really really really hope he doesnt get the part...

Posted by: Goon at January 14, 2006 07:04 PM

Oh, man, Depp would make my excitement for this sequel jump twenty times. i love depp. As for Talia, that would suck. I don't care for her. i don't think the masses would, either.

Posted by: Brian at January 14, 2006 09:33 PM

Of course, Richard... you're right... and i have to admit, Depp has the ... the... whatever the hell you call it that the joker has.

You get to the meat of the joker's character ( i'm an ex comic BUFF, man ) and he's a Homocidal maniac, with a dash of paranoia, that THINKS he's the funniest thing on earth...

Depp could do it... maybe i was onto Bettany so much because of the look he'd bring to it ( and his performance in A beautiful mind and A knight's tale )... or Keaton becuase of the sheer novelty.

I'm behind you. It's just that there have been SOOO many awesome rumors going around and i have been getting latched onto each of them.

Posted by: mogulus at January 15, 2006 05:43 AM

i'm sorry, as much as i'd hate to have dawsons creek take over more of the casting decisions in batman (yes, im looking at you katie holmes) isn't michelle williams up the duff with Ledger, and isn't she also looking pretty nice on the awards front with her supporting role in brokeback mountian ... hope im not too late on this post for anyone to see what i've written here ....

Posted by: Koko at January 15, 2006 03:43 PM

I'm sure its Wise from the fountain comment and maybe Depp wanted to do the Burton Batman's ut got bumped for other actors like Jack and this is Depp's chance to play a part he wanted before. Speculation ofcourse. However isn't Depp's slate a bit full to do Batman. Cruise might have more open time. If it were Cruise as Joker he could kill people with psychological drugs and induced Postpardum depression. Sorry low blow, where is my class?

Posted by: crackerjack at January 16, 2006 01:26 AM

All I have to say is that Depp can pull off any type of role you give him. See what and how many diverted and usually strange roles has played till now and judge for yourselves.

So, if he goes for it, I think he will do at least ok. Of course, this doesn't mean that he would be the best fitted actor for this particular role.

Posted by: Stamoz at January 16, 2006 09:18 AM

Johnny DEPP!

HELL YES... Bring em on...

I think Richard's dead on ... who else is releasing a sequel to a very successful film this year? It's definitely Depp ... what other sequel is there coming out with a guy who will be available very soon? Has to be Depp..

Incredible news if this is true.

But now that I think about it, there's a SEQUEL to a SEQUEL coming out and it was pretty big for this guys career ... that's Hugh Jackman and X-3 .. x-2 was probably the best movie for him ever financially speaking .. but that's a stretch, just a thought, and I don't think he's even a consideration.

As for the person who plays a "strong connection" to a character from the first film, c'mon guys, we all know who this is: Ra Al Gulh's daughter. If you follow the comics you'll know he has a daughter and that she's quite lethal.

Posted by: SpideyFan at January 16, 2006 07:43 PM

I don't get how Joker and Talia are going to connect in a storyline. Talia's not that of a recognizable character, and frankly, I don't give a rat's tail if she's in it. I'd rather it have Harley Quinn(now Brian hides in a corner to escape flaming insane fanboys).

Posted by: Brian at January 16, 2006 10:07 PM

Cruise as the Joker??? That would be the worst casting EVER! I'm sorry, but I have never understood the hype over this bland actor. Now, I'm going to try and wash that idea from my mind so I don't have nightmares.

Marla and Simone - I'm afraid I have to disagree with you ladies. :) I think if the script is good Depp would consider it. It doesn't mean he would ultimately agree, but I could see him creating his version of the Joker.

Posted by: Meli at January 16, 2006 11:15 PM

just a thought .. depp & tim burton have quite a rappor ...
if he did a batman film would this become tainted??

Posted by: _ram-jaane at January 17, 2006 05:23 AM

Dep? yeah baby. I did think Jim(the riddler)Carey would be ideal. But hey what do I know. My mane hope is they keep the essential actors from Begins. Bale, Cane, Oldman etc. With Chriss Nolan at the helm It's gonna be goooood. Can't wait.

Posted by: mark dixon at January 17, 2006 04:53 PM