January 30, 2006

Around The Web - January 30th 2005

Here is some of the other news making it's way around the web today:

- Omen 666 to be released on 6-6-6

- Another Friday the 13th movie coming Friday October 13th

- David Duchovny to direct and star in "Bucky F*cking Dent" Best title for a movie I've heard in a long time

- Newest AudioBlend online after short hiatus The second best damn movie related Podcast on the internet

- McG and Matthew McConaughey sign up for football movie - The story revolves around the 1970 plane crash that killed nearly the entire football team and coaching staff of the West Virginia college.

- Fried Green Tomatoes Anniversary DVD Hey don't laugh... I liked this movie

- Andy Serkis Joins The Prestige The movie (being directed by Batman Director Christopher Nolan already has Hugh Jackman, Christian Bale, Michael Cain and Scarlett Johanson.

- Paul Bettany (the next Joker?) talks Batman sequel

- Superman Returns a "Can't Miss"

- Ang Lee wins Director's Guild Award for Brokeback Mountain. He should have won it for Hulk (Ok ok ok... don't stone me! I really liked Hulk!)

Posted by John Campea at January 30, 2006 09:09 AM


Any ideas about why the title of these recent films are so similar?
Is this a trend or just a coincidence?

Imagine Me & You
Me and You and Everyone We Know
You, Me, and Dupree
Yours, Mine and Ours

Posted by: thesecretsafe at January 30, 2006 01:15 PM

1) Gimmick release for a remake no one really wants to see;

2) Traditional Gimmick release for a once and quick cash cow of a franchise. Has advantage over Freddy because Jason could always be recast, and is by definition, a re-animated zombie-boogeyman hybrid who became that way by supernatual lightning bolt; and in Jason X became a zombie-bogeyman-Terminator hybrid. Stupid idea? Yes. But body count, chopped off heads and topless c cup women.

It will do fine for what it is, No, it isn't encouraging, but what I mean is, if you make a piece of shit and that is the goal, and that goal is met, who are we to bitch? Once the fanbase gets thier fix, the rest of us can get on with our lives.

3) Duchovony back behind the camera isn't as great as when he's in front of it.

4) Audioblend. meh.

5) McG is back. And I was worried about Damien and Jason. Silly me.

6) The secret is even more sauce, right?

7) Andy Serkis joins Nolan flick. Not a surprise. He's an actor, he took a job.
However, I secretly root for Serkis as to play The Penguin. It's just me, which brings up:

8) Paul Bettany says "Who. me?" in regards to the Joker. Since the rumor has just caught up to him, and he denies being contacted, that could leave the door open for other fan faves such as Crispin Glover and Johnny Depp. I'd like to see Vince Vaughn as The Clown Prince but that's just me.

9) That's what was said abut 'King Kong'. Where is 'Kong' now? Anyway, I do think "Returns" will be a misfire- at least by Hollywood's POV.

10) Congrats to Ang Lee. Oh... and speaking of The Hulk...

from IMDB/ WENN newswire:

"Eric Bana remains keen to reprise his role as The Hulk - so long as sequel plans tie into his schedule. The Australian actor played the angry green giant's alter-ego, David Banner, in Ang Lee's 2003 action film and recently suggested he wouldn't be back for a planned sequel. But he tells Moviehole.net he's still contracted to play Banner in The Hulk 2 - as long as producers can get the project rolling quickly. He says he has always been committed to the role and will return as the troubled Dr. Banner as long as writers and directors can come up with a script and a cast "in a particular timeframe." Bana tells the website that if they can't meet a certain timeframe, he can contractually reject the offer"

-Sealer out for now.

Posted by: darren seeley at January 30, 2006 01:16 PM

Didn't Bryan Singer originally say that Superman Returns was a sequel to Superman I and II and takes place after that time period? Now he's saying it's SEQUEL-LIKE (Whatever the hell that means!) and is basically a REDO??

"While it's not a sequel to the four movies Reeve starred in, "Superman Returns" is "sequel-like," the new movie drawing on the spirit and design of the earlier franchise, Singer said. "

So thus is it a sequel or is it NOT? I'm confused more than ever, thanks to Singer's comments.

And enough with this "I always wanted to cast an unknown" crap. Tom Welling is UNKNOWN To everyone except anyone who's watched smallville. And he never was kicked off a soap opera, like Routh was.

Posted by: SpideyFan at January 30, 2006 05:59 PM