January 26, 2006

Around The Web - January 26th 2006

Here are some of the other Movie Headlines making their way around the web today:

- Wes Craven talks Scream 4 and Red Eye 2

- Initial Lady In The Water review doesn't look so good The site pulled the review... but the comments to the review are still there and don't look too good.

- Sex Machine official site now online

- Scanner Darkly pushed back to July My reaction? I couldn't care less.

- Katie Holmes sex scene mysteriously disapears from "Thank You For Smoking" This will teach you not to screw with the power of L. Ron Hubbard!

- Gaslight gets a remake

Posted by John Campea at January 26, 2006 10:42 AM


1) Scream 4: The Ghostface is now played by Neve Campbell: it is her nightmarish shattered psyche; yeah, I know that's all BS I just made up. But seriously, folks---what the hell is there left to do? Is there a secret videotape of Jamie Kennedy's chaacter explaining the rules of a 'fourth go around'? Looking at horror franchises that hit part 4:

* In Friday The 13th, it is 'The Final Chapter'. Not really, of course, The body count is a little higher- but not as much gore...just more brutal. Also, killer is struck by lightning and becomes an unstoppable brute.

* In Halloween, Michael Myers retuned to Hattonfield. Thus the person (or persons) playing Ghostface has to return to the old hometown.

*In Nightmare On Elm Street: Freddy knocks off the remainder of the original Elm Street kids; before looking for new victims. Ghostface must believes he's knocked off Neve's character and/or Dewey to continue on the scheme. HGF is mistaken though.

* Hellraiser does not count for Pinhead isn't a slasher type; however, since the director in this installment took the name Alan Smithee, perhaps Ghostface will ID himself by the legendary psydonym.

* Chucky: Ghostface has a admirer, and she becomes a female Ghostface.

* Silent Night Deadly Night: New murders happen around Xmas. (yes, SNDN went four films!)

Moving on:

Red Eye 2. Well done thriller. Love Rachael McAdams. Cillian Murphy made a good bad guy. You love these actors Wes, great. Put them in another film, different characters. Don't mess this up. However, those guys in the fishing boat DID get away...


Scanner Darkly: BOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! HISS! HISSS!!! Postponed again!
I therefore predict studio will just throw the Richard Linklater film to video shelves.
Just release the damn thing. Unlike John, I was looking forward to this... a
motherf**king year and a half ago!

Posted by: darren seeley at January 26, 2006 08:38 PM

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Posted by: pramod at January 28, 2006 12:11 AM